

"Everything" kullandığınız için teşekkürler.

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Bağışlarınız donanım, yazılım, barındırma ve diğer masrafların karşılanmasında kullanılacaktır.

Desteğiniz için teşekkürler,

David Carpenter

Yorum (isteğe bağlı, en fazla 200 karakter):


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Bağış GeçmişiYorumMiktar
11 March 2025👍$20.00 USD
11 March 2025Everything is an incredible piece of software. I don't know what I'd do without it - not be able to find anything, probably! $60.00 USD
11 March 2025€20.00 EUR
11 March 2025$5.00 USD
11 March 2025$25.00 USD
10 March 2025€20.00 EUR
10 March 2025very useful !$4.00 USD
10 March 2025$2.00 USD
10 March 2025$10.00 USD
10 March 2025I have used Everything for several years now and I recommend it to everyone who asks me how to find things on their computer - thank you for all your hard work !$10.00 USD
9 March 2025Thanks so much for this software tool! I use it daily and it is important!Please consider1:let all properties to be returned using es.exe/command.line. 2: support for the descript.ion standard$30.00 USD
8 March 2025Thank you.$50.00 USD
8 March 2025$10.00 USD
8 March 2025Very fast and helpful!€2.00 EUR
7 March 2025$3.00 USD
7 March 2025₪20.00 ILS
7 March 2025Fantastic software, perfect for a messy person like me.€15.00 EUR
6 March 2025Great work!€15.00 EUR
5 March 2025$15.00 USD
5 March 2025David I have used the app for years and its very good. Keep up the good work.£10.00 GBP
4 March 2025$3.00 AUD
4 March 2025Been using for 5 years. The best software i have ever used on a pc. Saved me a lot of hassle when I moved to a new computer. I just wish it was available for mac. <3$2.00 USD
4 March 2025$10.00 USD
3 March 2025Para que el carro ande, hay que engrasarlo.$50.00 USD
3 March 2025I love it, saves a lot of time€10.00 EUR
3 March 2025£2.00 GBP
3 March 2025$2.00 USD
3 March 2025€10.00 EUR
2 March 2025$13.53 USD
1 March 2025素晴らしいツールです!$5.00 USD
1 March 2025One of my top five Tools for PC. Many thanks!$10.00 USD
1 March 2025Just what i needed to make sense of thousends of pictures and movies!€50.00 EUR
1 March 2025€10.00 EUR
1 March 2025$10.00 USD
1 March 2025€4.00 EUR
1 March 2025Bonjour ET BRAVO POUR CE PROGRAMME - J2M06$14.97 USD
28 February 2025$10.00 USD
28 February 2025$3.00 USD
28 February 2025$10.00 USD
28 February 2025$10.00 USD
28 February 2025$20.00 CAD
26 February 2025Simple and effective - love it!£20.00 GBP
26 February 2025i love tools that just. work. perfect. <3$10.00 USD
26 February 2025It's one of the best utilities I have on my PC! I can't imagine using anything else, the lightning-fast speed makes it a breeze to search/organize/discover files.$20.00 CAD
26 February 2025$20.00 USD
26 February 2025Thank you for creating such an amazing tool! It's been a real game-changer in my daily work—fast, reliable, and simple. I truly appreciate all the hard work and dedication behind this project.$1.00 USD
26 February 2025Thank you for creating such an amazing tool! Everything has been a real game-changer in my daily work—fast, reliable, and brilliantly simple. I truly appreciate all the hard work and dedication you$1.00 USD
26 February 2025David ! went for 1.5 a - works like a charm. no problem any more with cancelled Service - and seems faster !!$50.00 USD
26 February 2025$10.00 USD
25 February 2025I couldn't live without this. Second dono^^^ Thanks David!$20.00 USD
25 February 2025Would be lost without this tool, donated what I could with whats left of my Tax refund.$200.00 USD
23 February 2025unequivocally the best windows search utility ever!$10.00 USD
23 February 2025This program is like life-saver. I install every computer I use. I recommended everyone I know.$1.00 USD
23 February 2025$3.00 AUD
23 February 2025$1.00 USD
22 February 2025Everything is the best tool for search, thanks for it€20.00 EUR
22 February 2025Great software which simplifies working with a PC immensely, keep up the good work!$8.00 USD
22 February 2025I use this everyday. I even fought so I could use this at my old job.$5.00 USD
21 February 2025$5.00 USD
21 February 2025Love your program. Will donate, get new version & hope an issue has been fixed. Down-arrow next to my filter words should bring up list of latest searches, in order. Thanks!$50.00 USD
21 February 2025Thanks, should be a standard utility tbh$10.00 USD
20 February 2025$10.00 USD
20 February 2025$20.00 USD
20 February 2025I feel blessed to have this in my life.$5.00 USD
20 February 2025Nice work, makes my research easier, thank you so much€10.00 EUR
19 February 2025$25.00 USD
19 February 2025👍$50.00 USD
19 February 2025Some issues with no content being found or displayed. Strange!$10.00 CAD
19 February 2025Thank you$10.00 USD
19 February 2025$5.00 USD
19 February 2025$12.00 USD
19 February 2025$1.00 USD
19 February 2025$15.00 USD
17 February 2025No need for folders anymore!$10.00 USD
17 February 2025Thank you€10.00 EUR
17 February 2025$1.00 USD
17 February 2025€1.00 EUR
16 February 2025$10.00 USD
16 February 2025$10.00 USD
16 February 2025No doubt it is the best tool I have, it simplifies the work$10.00 USD
16 February 2025This is a must have utility.$50.00 USD
16 February 2025$2.00 USD
15 February 2025£15.00 GBP
15 February 2025$30.00 USD
14 February 2025€5.00 EUR
14 February 2025$34.72 USD
14 February 2025THANK YOU for your efforts.€50.00 EUR
14 February 2025$1.00 USD
14 February 2025$1.00 USD
14 February 2025$1.00 USD
14 February 2025$3.00 USD
14 February 2025$10.00 USD
14 February 2025$1.00 USD
13 February 2025$20.00 USD
13 February 2025You are the wings beneath my wind£10.00 GBP
13 February 2025$5.00 USD
12 February 2025偉大的工具,沒有它不知怎麼順利工作了!$10.00 USD
12 February 2025Everything is great!$15.00 USD
12 February 2025$50.00 USD
12 February 2025€ 20 A donation again.€20.00 EUR
12 February 2025€2.50 EUR
12 February 2025Everything has revolutionized the way I work with files and maintain my archive. It was like getting a pair of glasses and realizing I couldn't see before. I am ever so grateful for your work!$5.00 USD
11 February 2025$10.00 CAD
11 February 2025$5.00 USD
10 February 2025$2.00 USD
10 February 2025$20.00 USD
9 February 2025$20.00 USD
9 February 2025Everything is a fundamental plank supporting my entire digital world. 40+ years of family pics, vids, etc all accessible and in mere moments! Thank you so much for this!$10.00 USD
8 February 2025£2.00 GBP
8 February 2025Appreciate your good work. Not a big amount but thank you for your good work$10.00 AUD
8 February 2025Thanks for "everything"$5.00 USD
8 February 2025this app means EVERYTHING to me !!!! and my husband who can't even figure out how to use his telephone swears by it too$10.00 USD
7 February 2025$10.00 CAD
6 February 2025€15.00 EUR
5 February 2025I use it daily, very handy€25.00 EUR
5 February 2025Thank you! It works perfectly, I'm using it everyday.$20.00 USD
4 February 2025$25.00 USD
4 February 2025Thank you for your software.€5.00 EUR
3 February 2025Awesome - I use your application every day!$20.00 USD
3 February 2025$15.00 USD
3 February 2025I have just been forced into updating to Win 11 and was delighted to find that "Everything" (if not everything else!) works just fine. Thank you for an invaluable tool.£5.00 GBP
3 February 2025$2.00 USD
3 February 2025Thank you!$10.00 USD
2 February 2025Thank you. 这是最好用的工具,感谢你!$50.00 USD
2 February 2025I do archiving of a _lot_ of audio recordings. Everything is a quick, lean, powerful tool that helps immensely. Thank you!$25.00 USD
2 February 2025Dear David, Thank you for creating "Everything." It has been incredibly useful and has made my life much easier. Please accept this donation as a token of my appreciation for your hard work. Best. $10.00 USD
2 February 2025Seu software é ótimo.$10.00 USD
1 February 2025$20.00 USD
1 February 2025$40.00 USD
31 January 2025£20.00 GBP
31 January 2025$10.00 USD
31 January 2025$10.00 USD
31 January 2025$10.00 USD
31 January 2025$10.00 USD
30 January 2025Thank You!$20.00 USD
30 January 2025This has helped search a massive amount of data when windoze search is getting choked down to un-usability.$10.00 USD
30 January 2025$10.00 USD
30 January 2025€4.00 EUR
29 January 2025Thank you! Hope to index my collection of removable drives, CDs/DVDs. $10.00 USD
29 January 2025$5.00 USD
28 January 2025Thanks :)£10.00 GBP
28 January 2025$20.00 CAD
27 January 2025From Mark P: Thank you for continuing the work on this. I use it often and it's so easy to use that even a tech idiot like me can use it. Thank you for giving this software to civilization.$25.00 USD
26 January 2025Everything IS Everything to me ! Could not live without it !$30.00 USD
26 January 2025$10.00 USD
26 January 2025$5.00 USD
25 January 2025Love it!$5.00 USD
24 January 2025€20.00 EUR
24 January 2025Great app, tnx and keep up the good work!$10.00 USD
23 January 2025It's a lovely program, lighting fast. Are there plans for content indexing and search?$10.00 USD
23 January 2025Thanks$25.00 AUD
22 January 2025いつも使わせていただいてます。開発頑張ってください。$10.00 USD
21 January 2025Just amazing! I have over 50TB of data and trying to search for things is extremely difficult with Windows and most other tools. This is the best tool I've ever used, nice work! Here's my donation!$25.00 USD
21 January 2025Rarely do you find donation-ware that is actually worth a donation. This software is amazing and a lifesaver for someone like myself who has terabytes of files that have to be indexed and searched.$40.00 USD
20 January 2025$20.00 USD
20 January 2025$4.00 USD
19 January 2025$20.00 USD
19 January 2025Make it free software please.€35.00 EUR
19 January 2025Ihre Antwort auf mein Problem wurde umgehend beantwortet. SUPER!! Danke! Andi Schaub€20.00 EUR
18 January 2025People should know about your software.$20.00 USD
17 January 2025It's unreal that someone made a program that just works. Did I just notice that it can open in multiple instances so i can search for different types of things in different windows? $25.00 USD
17 January 2025Fantastic program. Thank you.$10.00 AUD
17 January 2025The best file search utility out there, thanks and keep up the great work!£10.00 GBP
16 January 2025Danke, Geri Hug$50.00 USD
16 January 2025$2.00 USD
15 January 2025Forgot to leave a comment, but this is amazing and has changed my life!!!! Let all my friends know about it. Can not believe how long it took me to find this...$2.00 USD
15 January 2025$10.00 USD
15 January 2025$10.00 AUD
15 January 2025Donation for an awesome program, use it every day and love it :) €30.00 EUR
14 January 2025$20.00 USD
14 January 2025thanks for your hard work. (from another coder)€10.00 EUR
14 January 2025$1.00 USD
14 January 2025$3.00 USD
14 January 2025$1.00 USD
14 January 2025$10.00 USD
14 January 2025$1.00 USD
14 January 2025$1.00 USD
13 January 2025This is genuinely the best thing ever since they invented sliced bread. Without everything i'd be so lost due to an absolutely unbearable file structure at work. Thank you, for making this app.€20.00 EUR
13 January 2025$5.00 USD
12 January 2025Keep up the good work. Thank you$40.00 USD
12 January 2025$10.00 USD
12 January 2025€2.50 EUR
11 January 2025You are the reason I love computers, as they greatly reduce my workload. Ciao from Italy !€30.00 EUR
11 January 2025$5.00 USD
10 January 2025thank you so much!$10.00 USD
10 January 2025Recently discovered in 2025. It is a great tool. Thank you!$15.00 USD
10 January 2025$12.00 USD
10 January 2025$2.00 USD
8 January 2025$20.00 USD
8 January 2025Still impressed$10.00 USD
8 January 2025I use Everything already a long time now and it is an invaluable tool. Please keep this outstanding tool alive!$50.00 USD
7 January 2025$5.00 USD
7 January 2025₪20.00 ILS
6 January 2025Thank you very much, "Everything" works great. The damn Windows search didn't find anything!$20.00 USD
5 January 2025Thanks again! I'm playing with 1.5 Alpha for the FAT support. :)$10.00 USD
4 January 2025$10.00 USD
3 January 2025Happy New Year David. Keep up the splendid work!€50.00 EUR
3 January 2025Here for an annual donation. Happy new year :)$50.00 USD
3 January 2025$100.00 USD
3 January 2025been using everything for many years now and it is always the first application I install. Literally the highest value tool I have on all my PCs.$10.00 USD
3 January 2025$2.00 USD
3 January 2025£2.00 GBP
3 January 2025€2.00 EUR
2 January 2025I am a visually impaired user. Everything works great with NVDA. It's fast, stable, and better than Windows Search. The Turkish support and keyboard accessibility are fantastic. Thank you for this amazing app!$10.00 USD
2 January 2025Thanks for a very useful utility£10.00 GBP
2 January 2025This helps me find any and everything. Thanks.€10.00 EUR
1 January 2025$15.00 USD
1 January 2025Super Tool! Eines der ersten Programme, die ich auf meinen PCs mit installiere!€10.00 EUR
31 December 2024Thanks!$10.00 USD
31 December 2024$10.00 USD
31 December 2024Thank you for the great program :)€5.00 EUR
31 December 2024THANK YOU!€12.00 EUR
31 December 2024$10.00 USD
31 December 2024$10.00 USD
30 December 2024$15.00 USD
29 December 2024Dear DC Everything is a favourite but I am unable to program a search to confine it to just one or few folders. I specify one folder under Options, Add folder, but it searches my whole disc. Solution?$50.00 USD
29 December 2024€10.00 EUR
29 December 2024It is a pity that we need a program in addition to windows to search our computer. But your little and fast program is a real game changer! Thanks for saving me a lot of time and nerves!€7.00 EUR
29 December 2024Christmas donation :)£10.00 GBP
29 December 2024€10.00 EUR
28 December 2024$10.00 CAD
28 December 2024$20.00 USD
28 December 2024Terrific program! It's the first thing I install when setting up a new machine. Plus, thanks to the Lite version, I've been able to run it at one of the world's largest companies for the last 4 years.$10.00 USD
27 December 2024<3$50.00 USD
27 December 2024Thank you!$10.00 USD
27 December 2024$10.00 USD
27 December 2024$1.72 USD
26 December 2024€10.00 EUR
26 December 2024Beautiful!!!!! A small-Big detail (ChatGPT helped with it). Nothing worked until I restarted the File Explorer. Nowhere I found this in helps.(I suppose 82 years old explains...:) ) $20.00 USD
26 December 2024$10.00 USD
26 December 2024$10.00 USD
25 December 2024$20.00 USD
24 December 2024$15.00 USD
24 December 2024$1.00 USD
23 December 2024Great tool!1,000 HUF
23 December 2024best app ever. Why is microsoft unable to offer such a tool with windows?€20.00 EUR
23 December 2024$1.00 USD
23 December 2024$3.00 AUD
22 December 2024Merry Christmas, David. Thank you for this brilliant software! Your Everything is THE MOST USED TOOL ON MY COMPUTER! (because every year I forget more and more of where I put things- hahahahaha!) $25.00 USD
22 December 2024$20.00 USD
22 December 2024Hi David, super & quick tool for increasing data-amount, I'm using daily - Merry Christmas€25.00 EUR
22 December 2024I use Everything every single day. Thanks so much for the amazing software. Merry Xmas David!$25.00 USD
21 December 2024Thx a lot for this powerful tool. It's a very fast help to find files, even on network filesystems.€10.00 EUR
21 December 2024Thank you for your dedication to such a easy to use and handy tool. Happy Holidays.$20.00 USD
20 December 2024There is no competition$20.00 USD
19 December 2024A wonderful program -- I used it constantly.$25.00 USD
19 December 2024$15.00 USD
19 December 2024$1.00 USD
19 December 2024$5.00 USD
19 December 2024$12.00 USD
18 December 2024gracias por su software, me ha sido de suma utilidad.€5.00 EUR
18 December 2024€10.00 EUR
18 December 2024$5.00 USD
18 December 2024$5.00 USD
18 December 2024$1.00 USD
18 December 2024€1.00 EUR
16 December 2024My computers would be completely dysfunctional without this tool. I am delighted to send you money every year for it.$25.00 USD
16 December 2024impressive$5.00 USD
16 December 2024Thanks, keep on keepin' on!$10.57 USD
16 December 2024you have no idea how much time this tool saves every single day for everyone who uses it. thank you.$10.00 USD
16 December 2024$2.00 USD
15 December 2024Great tool!$5.00 USD
15 December 2024Thank you for creating one of the best tools there is for the PC!$10.00 USD
14 December 2024The only replacement for windows "search"$10.00 USD
14 December 2024I'd really miss everything without it.$20.00 USD
14 December 2024Gracias por hacernos las búsquedas muy fácil y rápidas, €20.00 EUR
14 December 2024$20.00 USD
14 December 2024$1.00 USD
14 December 2024$1.00 USD
14 December 2024$1.00 USD
13 December 2024$1.00 USD
13 December 2024$10.00 USD
13 December 2024$3.00 USD
13 December 2024Good and quick$10.00 USD
13 December 2024Incredibly effective and helpful. The only thing I miss is a manual in PDF format. Thank You!€20.00 EUR
13 December 2024$20.00 USD
13 December 2024Amazing app. Its everything you claim (no pun intended). Thanks.$10.00 USD
13 December 2024$5.00 USD
12 December 2024Thank you for your support. From author of Find Any File (apps.tempel.org)$111.00 USD
12 December 2024€2.50 EUR
11 December 2024Thank you very much$18.00 USD
11 December 2024€5.00 EUR
11 December 2024$5.00 USD
10 December 2024It saves me so much time, it's unbelievable. One of the most useful tools ever.€10.00 EUR
10 December 2024$10.00 USD
10 December 2024$2.00 USD
8 December 2024$5.00 USD
7 December 2024Saved my bacon (and a LOT of time) - terrific app $20.00 USD
7 December 2024$5.00 USD
7 December 2024Muchas gracias por EVERYTHING.:)$20.00 USD
7 December 2024$5.00 USD
7 December 2024₪20.00 ILS
6 December 2024Thank you for your great software!€25.00 EUR
6 December 2024Thanks from "view"€20.00 EUR
5 December 2024Mr. Carpenter "EveryThing" has saved me many times. Donating is overdue. Anyway I can become a "long" distant team member on future ventures? $30.00 USD
5 December 2024$30.00 USD
4 December 2024All I can say is "AMEN" to everyone else's comments. Use it everyday.$25.00 USD
4 December 2024Everything is everything!!$20.00 USD
4 December 2024Happy Holidays!!!$5.00 USD
4 December 2024$10.00 USD
3 December 2024Very, very,very useful. Thank you for create it. $20.00 USD
3 December 2024€2.00 EUR
3 December 2024$2.00 USD
3 December 2024£2.00 GBP
3 December 2024Thanks for... Everything. 🙏$10.00 USD
2 December 2024Thanks for the great software :-)$8.00 USD
2 December 2024Working mostly on a company device (where I can't install 3rd party software), it is always a relief when I return to my own computer with Everything installed. Such a useful tool! Thank you so much!$30.00 USD
2 December 2024$50.00 USD
2 December 2024Thanks for one of the best if not THE best windows tool available. It helped me a lot.€10.00 EUR
1 December 2024$100.00 USD
1 December 2024Thank you for creating such a useful, lightweight and fast indexer. I never looked back using Windows Search since. Your 1.5 Alpha is great searching Metadata. $20.00 USD
30 November 2024$1.55 USD
29 November 2024Thank you for the effort and vision to develop such invaluable tool. People like yourself are beacons of hope to human civilization $20.00 USD
28 November 2024€10.00 EUR
28 November 2024Everything top!$5.00 USD
28 November 2024I use Everything search engine constantly throughout my day. FYI I learned about this software from Adam Curry on the NoAgenda Podcast.$50.00 USD
28 November 2024$20.00 CAD
27 November 2024This is the first piece of software I install on any fresh Windows system. You've done amazing work and it makes my life better daily. Thank you!$5.00 USD
27 November 2024$2.00 USD
26 November 2024$10.00 USD
26 November 2024$20.00 USD
25 November 2024Hello David, Thank you for Everything and your quick response to my question. Been using it for several years and donated a few times. I'm sending you another donation for your efforts. - Mike$20.00 USD
25 November 2024Invaluable search tool, now even with random sort order!Everything really offers everything you could want for finding everything you need!(Will it be available for MacOS and Linux too in the future?)$25.00 USD
24 November 2024£10.00 GBP
24 November 2024Excellent search tool Merci€5.00 EUR
24 November 2024$1.00 USD
23 November 2024Thank you for your skills and thank you for this tool.$20.00 USD
23 November 2024awesome software$10.00 USD
23 November 2024$3.00 AUD
23 November 2024$1.00 USD
22 November 2024Brilliant piece of software... Not sure why you haven't had microsoft write you a very large check to replace their effort :-)$15.00 USD
22 November 2024Invaluable. I use this all the time. This should be a standard OS feature. Keep doing what you're doing.$40.00 USD
22 November 2024Everything is brilliant, thank you! Have you considered incorporating exclusions? Such as search for every iteration of "cover" but exclude any that include "coverage"$10.00 USD
21 November 2024$20.00 USD
21 November 202430.00 PLN
21 November 2024Excellent search tool. TY for making it free.$25.00 USD
20 November 2024Hi, thank you for the excellent software that I have been using with satisfaction for almost 5 years now!€5.00 EUR
20 November 2024Finally, a search tool that works like it should!$10.00 USD
20 November 2024€5.00 EUR
19 November 2024Love it - thanks for the tool. and ... hoping there is a simple, available, menu for advanced searches ... especially for content within files. thanks again$10.00 USD
19 November 2024Congrats for your excellent work! €10.00 EUR
19 November 2024$12.00 USD
19 November 2024$15.00 USD
19 November 2024$5.00 USD
19 November 2024$1.00 USD
19 November 2024€10.00 EUR
18 November 2024I use this amazing product everyday, and really appreciate it. $20.00 USD
18 November 2024€10.00 EUR
18 November 2024$5.00 USD
18 November 2024$5.00 USD
17 November 2024if I look for new updates a program must be good€5.00 EUR
17 November 2024Thanks! And keep on going!$10.00 USD
17 November 2024Useful tool, thanks!$10.00 USD
17 November 2024$1.00 USD
17 November 2024€1.00 EUR
17 November 2024very good tool€10.00 EUR
16 November 2024€10.00 EUR
16 November 2024$2.00 USD
15 November 2024Great programme. Keep up using your computing skills for the benefit of humanity! May God bless you & yours.£10.00 GBP
15 November 2024€20.00 EUR
15 November 2024$10.00 USD
14 November 2024This software has completely changed how I use my computer and I couldn't imagine being without it again. Thank you.€10.00 EUR
14 November 2024Very efficient and smart tool. Congratulations and many thanks from Michel (France)€10.00 EUR
14 November 2024Fantastic Tool. Thanks so much!$50.00 USD
14 November 2024$10.00 USD
14 November 2024$1.00 USD
14 November 2024$1.00 USD
14 November 2024$1.00 USD
14 November 2024$3.00 USD
14 November 2024thank you$10.00 USD
14 November 2024$1.00 USD
13 November 2024Uma aplicação verdadeiramente útil.€10.00 EUR
13 November 2024$5.00 USD
13 November 2024You've created an incredibly useful tool—I rely on it daily.$10.00 USD
12 November 2024$25.00 USD
12 November 2024€2.50 EUR
11 November 2024Dark Mode 'tipped' me over ;-)$10.00 USD
11 November 2024$5.00 USD
10 November 2024£30.00 GBP
10 November 2024One of my top five must-have tools.$10.00 USD
10 November 2024$22.22 USD
10 November 2024a very nice app. I use Everything weekly to my complete satisfaction. thanks.$25.00 USD
10 November 2024$2.00 USD
9 November 2024Thanks very much (AGAIN) for the invaluable help, David!$30.00 USD
9 November 2024Top program!$9.00 USD
9 November 2024$20.00 USD
9 November 2024₪20.00 ILS
6 November 2024$400.00 USD
6 November 2024Best search software on the market. Deserves much more publicity.€50.00 EUR
6 November 2024What a great tool. change from searching to finding.$15.00 USD
5 November 2024Thank you for your commitment. Your tool is more necessary and incredible every day.$10.00 USD
5 November 2024You are awesome, thank you for this. This actually makes windows tolerable$15.00 USD
5 November 2024Very helpful, thank you.€20.00 EUR
5 November 2024$5.00 USD
5 November 2024The only reason I'm not ditching Windows$10.00 USD
4 November 2024$10.00 USD
3 November 2024$20.00 USD
3 November 2024£2.00 GBP
3 November 2024$2.00 USD
3 November 2024€2.00 EUR
2 November 2024I appreciate Everything about this search tool and all your hard work. I can't wait for the RC of the Alpha.$50.00 AUD
2 November 2024$5.00 USD
2 November 2024Such a great piece of software, speeds up searching so much!€20.00 EUR
2 November 2024$10.00 USD
2 November 2024Thanks for the great work. I love everything.$20.00 USD
2 November 2024Thank you for this powerful, time-saving file management software .$10.00 USD
2 November 2024Thank you for making and maintaining this essential piece of software 💗£10.00 GBP
2 November 2024$15.00 USD
1 November 2024Awesome piece of software! Very efficient! Thanks€5.00 EUR
1 November 2024Excelent!$10.00 USD
1 November 2024Many thanks for saving my time$10.00 USD
1 November 2024$4.00 USD
1 November 2024My favorite program. THANK YOU !!!!$10.00 USD
1 November 2024$1.00 USD
31 October 2024$10.00 USD
31 October 2024$10.00 USD
31 October 2024Great software, it really and literally finds EVERYTHING on my 10 storage drives. Thanks for that!€5.00 EUR
30 October 2024$5.00 USD
30 October 2024$5.00 USD
28 October 2024$1.00 USD
28 October 2024$20.00 CAD
27 October 2024Excellent software, I use it every day, I look forward to the next version. Thank you very much.$10.00 USD
27 October 2024Thanks for a great solution to the slow and non user friendly File Explorer search.$10.00 USD
27 October 2024Saves my hundreds of hours per year. Absolutely love this application! There's nothing like it.$40.00 USD
27 October 2024€5.00 EUR
26 October 2024Always used. Always Will. Thank you.$5.00 USD
26 October 2024$10.00 USD
26 October 2024$10.00 USD
25 October 2024I love Everything, it ia a gret tool. Thank you for deveolping it.€25.00 EUR
25 October 2024Thanks for a fine app! I use ut for years and do not imagine my life without it!$5.00 USD
24 October 2024Hi. Just a little donation to say thank you for "Everything". Was taking me forever with the useless W10 search. It works with my NAS drive too! Thank you Roy $5.00 USD
24 October 2024I use this superb tool nearly every day. It is lightening quick and wonderfully adaptable and useful. Thanks for making it available. Jim$15.00 USD
24 October 2024thanx for that great tool!€20.00 EUR
24 October 2024$1.00 USD
24 October 2024Dear David, Everything is amazing! It helps me manage my 8TB data drives so easily. What would i do without it!. Thanks for creating such a great program.$77.00 USD
23 October 2024wow! thanks for the latest update with networked drives. Can now easily connect to Egnyte! Our company has 3 different clouds going so this program is so helpful. Howabout Office 365 Outlook? $5.00 USD
23 October 2024$40.00 USD
23 October 2024$3.00 AUD
23 October 2024$1.00 USD
22 October 2024Coming up on 10 years of daily use!$30.00 USD
22 October 2024$1.00 USD
22 October 2024€1.00 EUR
19 October 2024$5.00 USD
19 October 2024Thanks, this program is magic!$20.00 USD
19 October 2024$5.00 USD
19 October 2024$1.00 USD
19 October 2024$12.00 USD
19 October 2024$5.00 USD
18 October 2024$10.00 USD
18 October 2024As always, thank you for your wonderful software program!$25.00 USD
18 October 2024€20.00 EUR
18 October 2024€10.00 EUR
18 October 2024$5.00 USD
18 October 2024$5.00 USD
18 October 2024Everything Search and `es` command line are a daily friend. I am bereft when I need to use a machine without, and warmly glowing all over when returned to home ground. Thank you$35.00 CAD
16 October 2024Thank you David for Everything. I struggle with keeping my stuff organized, and to no use, I end up in a mess every time. Your app is a life saver for me. So, thank you$20.00 USD
16 October 2024Using 1.5a for a while and should have done this below. Thanks for your excellent work!$20.00 USD
16 October 2024$2.00 USD
16 October 2024$2.00 USD
16 October 2024$1.00 USD
16 October 2024$10.00 USD
16 October 2024$1.00 USD
16 October 2024$3.00 USD
16 October 2024$1.00 USD
16 October 2024$1.00 USD
13 October 2024Everything is my go to to find everything I can't remember where I put. Thank you. $10.00 USD
13 October 2024진짜 레전드 프로그램 $100.00 MXN
13 October 2024This program is incredibly useful. Thank you so much for developing this!$50.00 USD
13 October 2024$5.00 USD
12 October 2024This software is essential for Windows.$5.00 USD
12 October 2024Most useful addition to computing I've found. First thing I add to a new computer. Essentially instantaneous search everywhere, even over my network. Many, many thanks! --Computer user since 1978$22.00 USD
12 October 2024€2.50 EUR
11 October 2024Indispensable. Thanks for making this available FOR FREE. Making this part of a "Essentials for E-business" slideshow for local university.$20.00 USD
11 October 2024Thanks for this awesome software. Rich$20.00 USD
11 October 2024$5.00 USD
10 October 2024$2.00 USD
10 October 2024$10.00 USD
9 October 2024Setting up a new machine and this is one of the first applications I installed. Thanks so much - it just works! $25.00 USD
8 October 2024Can't live without it!€10.00 EUR
7 October 2024$10.00 USD
7 October 2024₪20.00 ILS
6 October 2024Amazing tool, with such complexity, and much finesse, such wow Microsoft singlehandedly could never dream of building it$10.00 USD
6 October 2024$20.00 USD
5 October 2024Thank you sir. I love the fact that its free , its light and without any advertisments popping out. I would gladly pay for a PRO version :) Since thats not available I will donate. Dimitris L.25.00 CZK
4 October 2024Amazing tool!$50.00 USD
4 October 2024Awesome software for decades$20.00 USD
4 October 2024$10.00 USD
3 October 2024Invaluable tool !$10.00 USD
3 October 2024$5.00 USD
3 October 2024David, Was searching for some info on my laptop and remembered I had installed everything some years back. Yep it worked. So a little thankyou. Also updating from v1.3.4 :-) Andy$10.00 USD
3 October 2024$20.00 USD
3 October 2024€2.00 EUR
3 October 2024£2.00 GBP
3 October 2024Your software saved me so much time and headache, it's just incredible! Thank you for making searching for folders and files an almost fun experience!€5.00 EUR
3 October 2024Thank you for making my drives usable€25.00 EUR
3 October 2024Thanks for the great software!$10.00 USD
2 October 2024$30.00 USD
2 October 2024$20.00 USD
2 October 2024€20.00 EUR
1 October 2024$10.00 USD
1 October 2024Great tool! A priority in all my computers. Fast and accurate. I only miss a more modern interface and an option to a search window?€10.00 EUR
29 September 2024Best tool for Windows 10 I've ever Used!$100.00 USD
29 September 2024€10.00 EUR
28 September 2024€10.00 EUR
28 September 2024Magnificent Program$10.00 USD
28 September 2024Top product, top guy. Cliff.$10.00 USD
27 September 2024$20.00 CAD
27 September 2024awesome product that I use at least once a day. thank you for creating it.$10.00 USD
27 September 2024awesome!€5.00 EUR
27 September 2024$5.00 USD
27 September 2024You're amazing!$50.00 USD
26 September 2024$10.00 USD
25 September 2024Crazy tool, I literally spent days of searching with the f***** windows search for things Everything finds within a second. Really appreciate your work! Many thanks! Florian (Germany)€50.00 EUR
25 September 2024$10.00 USD
25 September 2024David, thanks for providing such useful software. From a grateful Australian user. $20.00 AUD
25 September 2024First class utility software. Has become indispensable for my ever-expanding music production files, libraries etc - and more. So quick and easy. Don't know what I'd do without it now - thanks!$10.00 USD
25 September 2024$10.00 USD
24 September 2024$25.00 USD
24 September 2024$1.00 USD
23 September 2024Hi David and team, Great tool! This has been incredibly helpful. Thank you for making such an amazing tool. I truly appreciate the effort and dedication behind it. Keep up the great work! /Gan$10.00 USD
23 September 2024here's to more voidtools, Everything is fantastic I use it daily on my windows pc, would love to see a Mac version one day <3$75.00 USD
23 September 2024$1.00 USD
23 September 2024$3.00 AUD
22 September 2024Thank you David. powerful, simple and very useful$5.00 USD
22 September 2024love it!$5.00 USD
21 September 2024$10.00 USD
21 September 2024Thanks david, Everything is awesome!! :D $5.00 CAD
21 September 2024Hey guys, this is the Best Search-Tool I ever found! :o) Michael, Vienna (Europe)€5.00 EUR
21 September 2024Windows File Explorer reliably crashes to desktop on attempts to search one particularly large folder. Everything does not.$5.00 USD
21 September 2024Glad to see 1.6 is in the works, but no hurry. 1.5 83a is problem-free and mature, from my user POV.$25.00 USD
21 September 2024This tool is sooo amazing, thank you!€5.00 EUR
19 September 2024I use Everything every day. We have a small company of 5 people and it's an essential tool. I show it off it most every class I teach.$500.00 USD
19 September 2024$15.00 USD
19 September 2024$12.00 USD
18 September 2024$1.00 USD
18 September 2024$20.00 USD
18 September 2024$10.00 USD
18 September 2024€10.00 EUR
18 September 2024$5.00 USD
18 September 2024$5.00 USD
17 September 2024Everything Search helps our company in everyday business, finding files, generate file reports, cleanup and in many more tasks. It has become an essential tool. Thank you very much David, please continue your great support and we hope to see version 1.5 released soon. Your supporters from Nittoku Europe.€1,000.00 EUR
17 September 2024$1.00 USD
17 September 2024€2.50 EUR
17 September 2024€1.00 EUR
16 September 2024Appreciate this programme$10.00 USD
16 September 2024Great software! Great support!€5.00 EUR
16 September 2024$25.00 USD
16 September 2024$2.00 USD
15 September 2024Thank you for this great tool. A freeware tool that works many times better than anything that M1cr0$0ft, with a netto profit of $ this year, has ever created.€5.00 EUR
15 September 2024Used it almost everyday for years.€25.00 EUR
14 September 2024Amazing. Just what I needed$50.00 USD
14 September 2024$3.00 USD
14 September 2024$10.00 USD
14 September 2024$1.00 USD
14 September 2024$1.00 USD
14 September 2024$1.00 USD
14 September 2024$1.00 USD
13 September 2024Great tool, I am enjoying it a lot! I recommended it to all my colleagues, now weveryone is using everything :)€15.00 EUR
13 September 2024$1.00 USD
13 September 2024$5.00 USD
12 September 2024Amazingly useful tool, have used it every day for years. It was particularly helpful for me for finding audio and code files during a long and complicated video game production. Thanks for the help!$20.00 USD
11 September 2024$10.00 USD
10 September 2024$5.00 USD
10 September 2024$20.00 USD
10 September 2024I've been a user for, dunno, 10 years? I love the feeling of opening Everything, because I'm 100% sure I will find what I am searching (unlike Windows Search). My must-have app in home and work <3$10.00 USD
10 September 2024$15.00 USD
10 September 2024$2.00 USD
8 September 2024Fast and reliable. $20.00 USD
7 September 2024€40.00 EUR
7 September 2024Thanks - super useful tool, no clue why it couldn't be built in $5.00 CAD
7 September 2024₪20.00 ILS
6 September 2024$5.00 USD
6 September 2024$10.00 USD
6 September 2024I've got 9.5 million files and this program helped me find a "lost" file in seconds after the initial scan. Thank you for implementing search the way it should have been done in the first place.$20.00 USD
5 September 2024€6.00 EUR
5 September 2024$10.00 USD
5 September 2024$10.00 USD
3 September 2024$2.00 USD
3 September 2024€2.00 EUR
3 September 2024£2.00 GBP
2 September 2024For 2 downloads. Very fast searching. Extremely helpful.$15.00 USD
1 September 2024$10.00 USD
1 September 2024Dear David, I have donated several times before because I find Everything so incredibly useful. Sadly, I'm moving on to a Chromebook in retirement. But before I go, here is a last thank you!$10.00 USD
1 September 2024$5.00 USD
31 August 2024$10.00 USD
30 August 2024Thanks for a great tool!$25.00 USD
30 August 2024Fantastic tool.$15.00 USD
30 August 2024Referred by Directory Opus. Do you have estimate of release of ver 1.5? Grateful for your hard work!$5.00 USD
29 August 2024Hi David, Thank you for Averithing, it's a wonderful program! Kind regards, Bram€20.00 EUR
29 August 2024I've already been using for years it on several computers. It's about time to say THANK YOU! ;-)€20.00 EUR
28 August 2024$5.00 USD
28 August 2024This is the best search solution i found. I use it everyday. Thanks David.$15.00 USD
28 August 2024$20.00 CAD
27 August 2024Everything has been such a huge timesaver that I don't know what I'd do without it. I'm grateful that you've put so much time into developing this tool and are generous enough to share it. Thank you!!$10.00 USD
27 August 2024$50.00 USD
27 August 2024$10.00 USD
26 August 2024$20.00 USD
26 August 2024Thank you for... Everything! :)$10.00 USD
26 August 2024$5.00 USD
26 August 2024$10.00 USD
24 August 2024I use this several times a week. I have so many files, documents, music, pictures, etc. they are hard to keep track of. Everything is a life saver. Thanks so much for the App.$10.00 USD
23 August 2024you saved my life.$5.00 USD
23 August 2024$1.00 USD
23 August 2024$3.00 AUD
21 August 2024Keep up the good work for this indispensable tool. Thanks$10.00 USD
21 August 2024handy, fast$25.00 USD
20 August 2024$10.00 USD
20 August 2024Thanks for the great tool!$8.00 USD
19 August 2024Amazing software, have made my life so much easier :)50.00 DKK
19 August 2024$50.00 USD
19 August 2024$15.00 USD
19 August 2024$1.00 USD
18 August 2024$12.00 USD
18 August 2024Thank you very much for your effort. Your tool saves a lot of time.$2.00 USD
18 August 2024💕$1.00 USD
18 August 2024Many Thanks.$20.00 USD
18 August 2024€10.00 EUR
18 August 2024$5.00 USD
18 August 2024$5.00 USD
17 August 2024$20.00 USD
17 August 2024$1.00 USD
17 August 2024€1.00 EUR
16 August 2024$50.00 USD
16 August 2024Why isn't this a built in feature of Windows?! It blows away the built-in search and indexing so much it's mind boggling!$5.00 USD
16 August 2024$2.00 USD
13 August 2024$10.00 USD
13 August 2024$3.00 USD
13 August 2024$1.00 USD
13 August 2024$1.00 USD
13 August 2024$1.00 USD
13 August 2024$1.00 USD
13 August 2024$20.00 USD
13 August 2024$5.00 USD
12 August 2024$10.00 USD
12 August 2024Keep up the great work!£20.00 GBP
12 August 2024€2.50 EUR
12 August 2024use this everyday day and preach it to be downloaded on all PCs$25.00 USD
11 August 2024Probably my most used application! Never fails to bring usable results. Thanks.$25.00 USD
11 August 2024$10.00 USD
11 August 2024$20.00 USD
11 August 2024$10.00 USD
11 August 2024One of my most used tools on Windows. Absolutely incredible piece of software.€20.00 EUR
10 August 2024Thanks for making an incredible tool thats free$5.00 USD
9 August 2024Great little Tool$20.00 USD
9 August 2024$10.00 USD
8 August 2024$10.00 USD
8 August 2024Thanks€5.00 EUR
8 August 2024Been using Everything for a long time. Thought it's about time I gave something in return.£20.00 GBP
7 August 2024Windows explorer and search is a turd in comparison to this beautiful app$20.00 CAD
7 August 2024₪20.00 ILS
6 August 2024This is such a cool program. Blows my mind how unbelievably fast and well it works. Only like 3rd program I ever donated for$3.50 USD
6 August 2024$10.00 USD
6 August 2024I use this many times a day. Great program.$12.00 USD
5 August 2024using it every day (private use, non-commercial)€10.00 EUR
5 August 2024$6.00 USD
4 August 2024$12.00 USD
4 August 2024$10.00 USD
4 August 2024Great Toool Saves Time everyday€10.00 EUR
3 August 2024$25.00 USD
3 August 2024€2.00 EUR
3 August 2024$2.00 USD
3 August 2024£2.00 GBP
3 August 2024Every now and then I take my time to contribute a little to show you how much the world appreciates your efforts. Thank you so much for your extraordinary work!€30.00 EUR
3 August 2024€20.00 EUR
1 August 2024€10.00 EUR
1 August 2024$10.00 USD
31 July 2024The cli tool is extremely helpful$10.00 USD
31 July 2024Use it every day! Thanks a million. /Rex$25.00 USD
30 July 2024$10.00 USD
30 July 2024I do my little part$2.00 USD
30 July 2024Everything was already a must-have. Now, with the 1.5 alpha (but stable enough) version, it's THE must-have. Thanks a lot, Dave, for this marvelous piece of software!$25.00 USD
28 July 2024great program$25.00 USD
28 July 2024$20.00 CAD
27 July 2024€10.00 EUR
26 July 2024$25.00 USD
26 July 2024Thank you so much. Always the first tool I download on a new Windows setup.$25.00 USD
26 July 2024$10.00 USD
24 July 2024$10.00 CAD
24 July 2024$1.00 USD
23 July 2024$2.00 USD
23 July 2024Thanks for your great work.:)$25.00 USD
23 July 2024$3.00 AUD
23 July 2024$1.00 USD
22 July 2024$20.00 USD
22 July 2024Giving back for "Everything" you've given me.$20.00 USD
22 July 2024€15.67 EUR
21 July 2024$18.00 USD
21 July 2024$2.00 USD
21 July 2024I've donated before, but this thing is so useful!$5.00 USD
20 July 2024Thank you for your job !€15.00 EUR
20 July 2024I am constantly in awe at how functional this program is, how little it punishes its users. It's like a piece of my 1st computer. IT techs suspect it of using resources and I try to promote it to them$15.00 USD
20 July 2024Thank you, David. You are one of the few freeware providers who promptly respond to amateur users' questions.$10.00 USD
20 July 2024$30.00 USD
19 July 2024you guys rock!€10.00 EUR
19 July 2024Thank you for creating, and sharing, such an amazing tool :)$10.00 USD
19 July 2024€50.00 EUR
18 July 2024An essential tool on any machine I use - thank you!€20.00 EUR
18 July 2024€15.00 EUR
18 July 2024$5.00 USD
18 July 2024$5.00 USD
18 July 2024€10.00 EUR
17 July 2024Thanks for "Everything" !!!!!€20.00 EUR
17 July 2024Please make a installer for the Windows Arm64 version. $10.00 AUD
17 July 2024Responsive. No bloat. Small in size yet large in functionality. Customizable. A great template for what software *should* be.$20.00 USD
17 July 2024God bless you, It is Just perfect.$5.00 USD
17 July 2024€1.00 EUR
17 July 2024$1.00 USD
16 July 2024PERFECT€10.00 EUR
16 July 2024Thank you David!!$10.00 USD
16 July 2024$2.00 USD
15 July 2024$4.00 USD
14 July 2024$10.00 USD
14 July 2024Spitzenmäßig!€5.00 EUR
14 July 2024$1.00 USD
14 July 2024$1.00 USD
14 July 2024$1.00 USD
14 July 2024$3.00 USD
14 July 2024$1.00 USD
14 July 2024$10.00 USD
13 July 2024$10.00 USD
13 July 2024just awesome thank you$10.00 USD
13 July 2024One of the better ways to find things on your computer if you can name your predictably$15.00 USD
13 July 2024$5.00 USD
12 July 2024€2.50 EUR
11 July 2024I use it everyday. Clean, straightforward, no-nonsense. I you would create sth like that with the functionality of docfetcher. $20.00 USD
11 July 2024$1.00 USD
11 July 2024$5.00 USD
10 July 2024$5.00 USD
10 July 2024$2.00 USD
9 July 2024€20.00 EUR
9 July 2024I've lost count of how many times Everything has saved my bacon! It finds my misplaced files in seconds and is my go-to for direct file access, skipping the hassle of directory trees. Amazing tool!$50.00 USD
9 July 2024Thank you it's a great help to me as I have 100's of audio files I use for radio production.$3.00 USD
8 July 2024The best saerch engine for Windows, Thank You!€10.00 EUR
8 July 2024Apsolutely useful tool! Great work! Denis€20.00 EUR
8 July 2024Thank you very much for this great tool, which is now completely replacing my Win11 Search "feature".€30.00 EUR
8 July 2024₪20.00 ILS
6 July 2024fantastic tool; thank you! I use i a lot.€10.00 EUR
5 July 2024素晴らしい!$6.00 USD
5 July 2024This is a great example of perfect software. It does its job both thoroughly and extremely fast. Easily the best search tool out there. Well deserving of a donation.£10.00 GBP
4 July 2024$10.00 USD
4 July 2024I fucking love you dude$10.00 USD
3 July 2024$10.00 USD
3 July 2024Thank you. A must-have piece of software.€10.00 EUR
3 July 2024The forums alone are worth the donation!$117.04.00 USD
3 July 2024this program has helped me a lot, thanks$10.00 USD
3 July 2024$10.00 USD
3 July 2024$10.00 USD
3 July 2024$2.00 USD
3 July 2024£2.00 GBP
3 July 2024€2.00 EUR
2 July 2024Everything is an amazing program. I seem to discover another way for it to help me locate and organize files every day. Your programming skills rock! Respect.$35.00 USD
2 July 2024Real life saver. Thank you for your amazing work.€30.00 EUR
1 July 2024Great program, thank you for your work.$10.00 USD
1 July 2024Very, very useful! Keep up the good work.$30.00 USD
1 July 2024$10.00 USD
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