Search Commands

Discussion related to "Everything" 1.5 Alpha.
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Search Commands

Post by void »

Everything 1.5 search commands.

Search commands can be typed into the search box to perform UI actions.

To use search commands, type in one of the following commands in the search box and press ENTER:
Use a bookmark and set the search to one or more of the following commands.
Opening bookmarks will execute the search command without setting the search.
Use Alt + Enter to separate multiple search commands.

Show the about dialog.

Show this help.

Show service options to index NTFS volumes.

Open the Bookmarks.csv file location.

Open the user Everything.ini
Monitors the Everything.ini for changes and will notify user to reload if changed.

Show the Everything credits.

Open the Everything.exe file location.

Show database statistics.

Open the Everything.db file location.

Open the Everything Debug Log.txt file location.

Open the Filters.csv file location.

Show all search history.

Show all run history.

Load the home search.

Open the Everything.ini file location.

Show the Index Journal.

Show current key bindings.

Show the Everything license

Open the Macros.csv file location.

Open the plugins.ini file location.

Show the options window

/add-col <property-list>
/add-column <property-list>
/add-columns <property-list>
Add the specified columns by a semicolon (;) delimited list of property canonical names.
For example:
/add-columns width;height;length
See also: /columns and /remove-columns

/add-search <text>
/append-search <text>
Add text to the end of the search box.
A space is automatically included if necessary.

/advanced-copy-to <old-format> <new-format>
/advanced-move-to <old-format> <new-format>
/advanced-rename <old-format> <new-format>
Show the Advanced copy-to, Advanced move-to or Advanced rename dialog with the specified values.

Match case.

Ignore case.

Match diacritics.

Ignore diacritics.

Enable regular expressions.

Disable regular expressions.

Ignore extension.

Match extension.

For example:
/advanced-rename _ . -no-case -no-diacritics -no-regex -ignore-extension

/advanced-copy-to-preset <preset-name>
/advanced-move-to-preset <preset-name>
/advanced-rename-preset <preset-name>
Show the Advanced copy-to, Advanced move-to or Advanced rename dialog and load the specified preset by name.
Everything will try to lookup the preset with matching case first and then try without matching case.
For example:
/advanced-rename-preset "my preset"

Clear any active find duplicates.

Close the active search window.

Close all search windows.

Clear the debug console.

/columns <property-list>
Set the columns with a semicolon (;) delimited list of property canonical names.
Set the columns with a json array of column objects.
For example:
/columns name;path;size;date-modified;width;height;length
/columns [{"name":"Name","width":330},{"name":"Path","width":330},{"name":"Size","width":46},{"name":"Date Modified","width":99}]
See also: /add-columns and /remove-columns

/command <id>
Execute a semicolon delimited list of commands by name or ID
For example:
/command 41003
/command 40017;40017;40017
/command "File | New Window";"File | New Tab"

/comment <text>
Does nothing.
Useful for bookmark comments.
/comment My bookmark comment

/copy [text]
Copies the current file/folder selection to the clipboard and applies formatting.
Use $property-name: to insert properties.
Use the search preprocessor to apply formatting.
Each file/folder is separated with a new line (\r\n).
For example:
/copy $full-path:,$date-taken:

See also: /copy-header

/copy-header [header-text]
Specify the header text to use with the next call to /copy
The header is cleared after the next /copy call.
For example:
/copy-header Filename&tab:Date Taken
/copy $full-path:&tab:$date-taken:

/custom-open-command <name>
Execute the result list selection with the specified custom open command.

Toggle debug mode.

Enter debug mode and log to Everything Debug Log.txt

/define <name>=<search>
Define a macro.
For example:
/define foo=bar
When searching for foo: it is now replaced with bar
All macros are listed in the status bar if name is not defined.
Omit the = to show the current definition.
For example:
/define foo
foo=bar is shown in the status bar.
Undefine a macro with /undef

Delete the database and backup database from disk.

Deselect all result list items.

Disable alternate row colors.

Disable subfolders in the folder sidebar.

Disable omit results.

Disable temporary result omissions.

/echo [text]
Echo the specified text to the status bar for 3 seconds.
Use [c]/echo off[/c] to disable echoing commands to the status bar.
Use [c]/echo on[/c] to re-enable.

Else block to execute if the last /if condition returns FALSE.
Must come after an /if statement.
Must be terminated with an /endif statement.

Endif terminates the /if and /else block.
Must come after an /if or /else statement.

Enable alternate row colors.

Enable subfolders in the folder sidebar.

Enable result omissions.

Enable temporary result omissions.

/eval <formula>
Evaluate formula and set the search to the result.

Exit Everything.

Exit Everything without saving settings and data.

/expand <text>
/set-search <text>
Set the search to the result from preprocessor expansion.
For example:
/len:abc 123
Search Preprocessor
$currentsearch: is replaced with the current search text
$cursel: is replaced with the currently selected search text

/explore <list-of-folders>
Open the folder sidebar and select the specified semicolon (;) delimited list of folders.

/explore-path <list-of-folders>
Open the folder sidebar and select the specified semicolon (;) delimited list of folders.
The parent folder is selected in the folders sidebar and the specified file/folder is selected in the result list.

Explore subfolders or don't explore subfolders in the folder sidebar.

Show the export dialog.

Export as EFU (Everything File List)

Export as CSV (Comma Separated Values)

Export as TXT (Text)

Export as TSV (Tab Separated Values)

Export as JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)

Export as HTML (Web page)

Export as M3U (Winamp Playlist)

Export as M3U8 (Winamp Playlist UTF-8)

Export selection only.

Export all results.

/find-dupes <property-name>
Find duplicates of the specified property by name.

/focus <id>
Focus the specified window by control ID.

/goto <index>
Goto the nth 0-based index in the result list.

Goto the file index.

Goto the folder index.

Goto the file or folder index.

Show Everything help.

Hide the bookmarks sidebar.

Hide the filter bar.

Hide the filters sidebar.

Hide the folders sidebar.

Hide the fullscreen menu bar.

Hide the result list header.

Hide the windowed menu bar.

Hide the preview pane.

Hide the status bar.

/if <expression>
Start an if block.
Terminate the block with an /endif statement.
Commands inside the if block are executed only if the specified formula expression evaluates as true.
Title formatting variables are available to formulas.
Add an optional /else clause before the /endif statement.

Set the configuration key to a value.
A restart might be required for changes to take effect.
Use ! as the value to toggle the ini setting.
Use a semicolon (;) delimited list to specify multiple key=value pairs. (only works for non-string values)
Use TAB from the search box to auto complete the ini-setting-name.

/load <filename>
Load a search from a text/plain file.

/load-bookmarks [filename]
Load bookmarks from the specified CSV file by filename.
Show the load bookmarks dialog if the filename is omitted.

/load-config [filename]
Load settings from the specified ini file by filename.
Show the load config dialog if the filename is omitted.
Automatically restarts Everything to apply changes.

/load-filters [filename]
Load filters from the specified CSV file by filename.
Show the load filters dialog if the filename is omitted.

/load-macros [filename]
Load macros from the specified CSV file by filename.
Show the load macros dialog if the filename is omitted.

/load-omit-results [filename]
Load result omissions from the specified CSV file by filename.
Show the load result omissions dialog if the filename is omitted.

Maximize the search window.

Minimize the search window.

Minimize or unminimize all search windows.

Stop updating results and continue monitoring changes to indexes.

Update results to reflect changes to indexes.

Stop monitoring changes to indexes.

Create a new tab.

Create a new window.

/open <filename>
Opens the specified file/folder in the result list.
If the filename is an number, the zero-based result from the specified number is opened.

Invalidate all gathered un-indexed properties.

/reindex [path]
/rebuild [path]
Force a rebuild for all indexes or the specified index.
[path] supports *, ** and ? wildcards.

Reload bookmarks from your Bookmarks.csv

Reload settings from your Everything.ini
Everything will automatically restart to apply changes.

Reload filters from your Filters.csv

Reload macros from your Macros.csv

Reload result omissions from your omit-results.csv

Reload property user values
Press F5 to refresh cached properties.
Select files and press Ctrl + F5 to refresh indexed properties.

/remove-column <property-list>
/remove-columns <property-list>
Remove the specified columns by a semicolon (;) delimited list of property canonical names.
For example:
/remove-columns size;date-modified
See also: /add-columns and /columns

/replace-sel <text>
Paste text into the search box after preprocessor expansion.
For example:
/replace-sel #today:
$cursel: is replaced with the currently selected search text.
$clipboard: is replaced with the text content from the clipboard.
Works best from a bookmark with a keyboard shortcut.

Restart Everything.

Restart Everything as administrator.

Restart Everything in debug logging mode.

Restart Everything without saving settings and data.

Restart Everything without saving settings and data.
The restarted Everything will run in debug logging mode.

/rescan [path]
/update [path]
Rescan all FAT, network drive and folder indexes or the specified FAT, network drive or folder index.
The specified path does not have to be the root path, for example, if you are indexing a
network share \\server\share and only wish to rescan \\server\share\subfolder use /rescan \\server\share\subfolder

Restore a the previous session.

/restore-session <session.json>
Restore a session from the specified JSON file.
If no filename is specified a dialog is shown to select a JSON file.
For example:
/restore-session "C:\Everything\Sessions\My Fancy Session.json"

Save all settings and data to disk.

Show the save bookmarks dialog.

Show the save config dialog.

Start saving the database to disk in the background.

Save the database to disk now.
Does not return until the database is saved to disk.

Show the save filters dialog.

Show the save macros dialog.

Show the save result omissions dialog.

paste clipboard text into the search box.

Remove punctuation.

Preserve punctuation.

OR newlines.

AND newlines.

Treat the pasted text as search text.

Treat the pasted text as filenames.

Treat the pasted text as filenames and extract the name part.

Treat the pasted text as filenames and extract the stem part.

Treat the pasted text as filenames and build a filelist: search.

Treat the pasted text as raw text. (no formatting)

Group the multi-line search with < and >

Disable grouping.

For example, paste the stem from multiple filenames:
/search_edit_paste -no-remove-punctuation -or-new-lines -multi-line-stem

/select <filename>
Select the specified file/folder in the result list.
If the filename is an number, the zero-based result from the specified number is selected.

Select all files/folders in the result list.

Conditional: execute only if there's currently a selection.

Conditional: execute only if nothing is selected.

Select the bottom most result.

Conditional: execute only if there's currently a selection.

Conditional: execute only if nothing is selected.

Select the result list focus.

Conditional: execute only if there's currently a selection.

Conditional: execute only if nothing is selected.

Select the last run item.

Conditional: execute only if there's currently a selection.

Conditional: execute only if nothing is selected.

Select the most run item.

Conditional: execute only if there's currently a selection.

Conditional: execute only if nothing is selected.

Select the top result list item.

Conditional: execute only if there's currently a selection.

Conditional: execute only if nothing is selected.

Show the bookmarks sidebar.

Show the filter bar.

Show the filters sidebar.

Show the folders sidebar.

Show the fullscreen menu bar.

Show the result list header.

Show the windowed menu bar.

Show the preview pane.

Show the status bar.

Exit debug mode and show the Everything Debug Log.txt

Stop the Everything Service.
Everything will automatically restart the Everything Service after 30 seconds.

Toggle the alternate row colors.

Toggle the bookmarks sidebar.

Toggle the filter bar.

Toggle the filters sidebar.

Toggle the folders sidebar.

Toggle subfolders in the folder sidebar.

Toggle the fullscreen menu bar.

Toggle the result list header.

Toggle the windowed menu bar.

Toggle omit results.

Toggle the preview pane.

Toggle the status bar.

Toggle temporary result omissions.

/undef <name>
Undefine a macro.

Set the result list to detail view.

/view-thumbnails [size]
Set the result list to thumbnail view.
Optionally specify the thumbnail size in logical pixels.

Enable verbose debug logging.

/window-size <width> <height>
Set the window client size in logical pixels.
If only one value is specified the value is used as the height and width is calculated from the auto_size_aspect_ratio.
If no values are specified the current dimensions are shown in the status bar.
For example:
/window-size 640 480

Dashes (-) in commands can be omitted.

Everything 1.4 search commands
Posts: 17178
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Search Commands

Post by void »

Posts: 17178
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Search Commands

Post by void »

Posts: 17178
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Search Commands

Post by void »

Everything improves the following commands:

/rescan [path]
/reindex [path]
Posts: 17178
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Search Commands

Post by void »

Posts: 17178
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Search Commands

Post by void »

Everything adds the following search commands:

Posts: 17178
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Search Commands

Post by void »

Everything adds the following search commands:

/add-search <text>
Posts: 17178
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Search Commands

Post by void »

Everything adds the following search commands:

/copy [text]
Posts: 17178
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Search Commands

Post by void »

Posts: 17178
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Search Commands

Post by void »

Posts: 17178
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Search Commands

Post by void »

Everything makes the following changes:

/eval and /= will now use Formulas
Posts: 17178
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Search Commands

Post by void »

Everything makes the following changes:

/eval and /= will now format double results correctly.

Added the following search commands:
/focus <id>
/search_edit_paste <remove-punctuation> <or-newlines> <multiline-type>
Posts: 17178
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Search Commands

Post by void »

Everything adds the following search commands:

Posts: 17178
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Search Commands

Post by void »

Everything makes the following changes:

/eval and /= will no longer auto cast to a double result.
Use a value with a decimal to cast to floating point.
Posts: 17178
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Search Commands

Post by void »

Everything adds the following search commands:

/search_edit_paste [remove-punctuation] [or-newlines] [multiline-type] [multiline_group]
Posts: 17178
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Search Commands

Post by void »

Posts: 17178
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Search Commands

Post by void »

Everything adds the following search commands.

/columns (added support for json array of column objects)
/search_edit_paste (added support for raw text)
/set-search (alias)
Posts: 17178
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Search Commands

Post by void »

Posts: 17178
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Search Commands

Post by void »

Everything improves search commands.

Search commands now behave like commands in the Windows command prompt.
Search commands now use -option switches.

Triple quote (""") is now treated as a single literal quote (")
Use ^ to escape the next character.

Added the following commands:

/if Example to toggle Find length duplicates:

Code: Select all

/if $is-find-dupes:
/find-dupes length 

Added [selection] and [noselection] conditionals to select commands.
Useful if you only want to select all when there's currently no selection:
/select-all [noselection]

To stop the Everything service and exit Everything:

Useful if you are trying to upgrade the portable version of Everything.

To stop executed commands from echoing to the statusbar:
Include the following at the top of your bookmark search:
/echo off