Advanced Rename problem

Discussion related to "Everything" 1.5 Alpha.
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Advanced Rename problem

Post by froggie »

Sometimes, with ignore extension not checked and using the new case options, the closing ">" is in the wrong place. Cycling ignore extension and applying the case option fixes it for the moment.

Actually it looks like the highlite in the new format box does not extend to the end of the format.
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Re: Advanced Rename problem

Post by therube »


Seems like...

if no extension, then OK
dumy | hithereyouswine

if 1 no extension & 1 extension, then OK
dumy | abc.txt

if different extension & same name-part, then OK
dumy.txt | dumy.doc

if different extension & different name-part & ignore extension, then OK
dumy.txt | abc.doc

if different extension & different name-part & NOT ignore extension, then ERROR
dumy.txt | abc.doc

(The or's aren't or's, simply showing two file names.)
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Re: Advanced Rename problem

Post by void »

Thank you for the issue report froggie,

Everything will apply the case: function to the current selection in the new format edit.

There might be a stale selection in the new format edit if it currently doesn't have focus.

The next alpha update will apply the case function to all the text when the new format edit does not have focus.
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Re: Advanced Rename problem

Post by therube »

will apply the case function to all the text when the new format edit does not have focus

1. 2 files selected
2. F2 (Rename). At this point, is focus not in the new format edit box?
3. selecting uppercase
4. again new format appears to show that focus is still in the new format edit box
(though the closing > is, seemingly, incorrectly escaped, so the > is treated as a literal,
& is in the incorrect place, as it should be after the end of the filename - including extension [as ignore extension is not enabled])
5. causing the rename attempt to fail
Everything - Advanced Rename with Ignore Extension.png
Everything - Advanced Rename with Ignore Extension.png (124.57 KiB) Viewed 1804 times
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Re: Advanced Rename problem

Post by void »

Thanks for confirming therube,

Ah, Everything is pre-selecting all the text before: .
This is fine for non-regex.

For regex, Everything should be selecting everything before: \.
Currently, it is also incorrectly selecting the: \
I'll have this fixed in the next alpha update.

will apply the case function to all the text when the new format edit does not have focus
The case functions from the > menu are special.
They will apply the <case:> function to the last "new format edit box" selection.
This is done because the focus and selection is lost from the "new format edit box" when clicking on the > button.

The keyboard shortcuts will apply the <case:> function to the "new format edit box" selection if it has focus.
Otherwise, the keyboard shortcuts will apply the <case:> function to all the text in the "new format edit box".
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Re: Advanced Rename problem

Post by void »

Everything fixes an issue with the advanced renamer highlighting the \ in the stem when using regex.

The advanced renamer will no longer automatically use \. in the new format.
It will now use: .
The . does not need to be escaped.
This will improve readability and make adjusting the text a little easier.
The . can still be escaped with \. and Everything will now correctly handle this when pressing F2 in the new format edit.

1368+ will no longer allow Shift + F3 from anywhere.
It must be used from the new format edit.
This should help avoid any confusion about what text is "selected".
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