Non-Image/Image Seggregated View

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Non-Image/Image Seggregated View

Post by meteorquake »

There are several view settings, but none are ideal for folders or results that are a mixture of images and non-images because you end up with a lot of giant document icons or previews mixed with images.
This could be solved if there were a new view where certain filetypes (typically non-images) present in a non-thumbnail view, and certain ones (typically images or videos) appear in thumb view. Obviously the two would need to be in sequence so you might have the non-images first.
There are various variations on how it could be done but it would be quite handy if there were some way... :) I know you could have two windows open and repeat every search or folder select you do in each with different extensions but if thought about it that's fairly clumsy and also inefficient with screen space, you might for example only have a few documents, whilst this would just put them neatly at the top and use the full space properly.
Cheers, David
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Re: Non-Image/Image Seggregated View

Post by therube »

Set up a Filter(s).

Like maybe call it 'Thumb-able'.
And set it do only show thumb-able file types.

And then when you set View to Thumbnails, also then set your Filter to, Thumb-able.

(Can that be automated? Got me.)
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Re: Non-Image/Image Seggregated View

Post by meteorquake »

That's probably the best that can be done through existing means but would constantly switch back and forward between two search results and lose file selections and if done by shortcut lose any existing filter, so the kind of situation the new idea is to avoid... having a single results list view that shows everything needed avoids that, and is retained even if you navigate about the folder bar tree. :)
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Re: Non-Image/Image Seggregated View

Post by meteorquake »

One additional point about a seggregated view, is that you see all the files. If you had views you switch between to try to get something similar, then it will be easy to forget there are other files present in the folder.
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Re: Non-Image/Image Seggregated View

Post by NotNull »

With the standard listview that comes with Windows, I don't think it is possible to match details- and thumbnail view.

As a workaround, it is possible to prioritize certain results. For example all images first, then all non-images.
Try the following Everything search to see if that suits your needs:

Code: Select all

file:  <pic: A:=prio1> | <A:=prio2>  sort:A,path
(sorting by Path is just an example)
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