Error 8: Everything IPC window not found.

Discussion related to "Everything" 1.5 Alpha.
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Error 8: Everything IPC window not found.

Post by ChrisGreaves »

Win7. I have installed Everything- and on trying to run the Command Line interface get the "Error 8: Everything IPC window .
not found."
This post recommends:-

Code: Select all

If you are using the Everything 1.5 alpha, please use the 1.5a instance:
es.exe -instance 1.5a
disable the 1.5a instance
Well, I am, so I did!
Untitled2.png (26.5 KiB) Viewed 18050 times
Running es.exe with the "-instance" parameter works, but I would prefer to run as "Es.Exe" for purposes of documentation.
I have edited the INI file:-
Untitled.png (72.65 KiB) Viewed 18050 times
and essayed again with plain-old-ES.exe, but continue to receive the message "Error 8: Everything IPC window not found.".

I believe I have followed the correct sequence: Exit Everything, edit and save the INI file, reload Everything.exe and then try "ES.EXE" at the command prompt.

Has anyone else 1.5alpha tried the INI file trick with success?
Thanks, Chris
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Re: Error 8: Everything IPC window not found.

Post by void »

Please make sure you edit the Everything-1.5a.ini in the same location as your Everything64.exe

Please confirm this setting is loading correctly:
  • In Everything, from the Help menu, click Troubleshooting Information.
  • Does this troubleshooting information include the following:
    Config: alpha_instance=0
    Instance: custom instance name
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Re: Error 8: Everything IPC window not found.

Post by ChrisGreaves »

void wrote: Thu Feb 09, 2023 4:58 am Please make sure you edit the Everything-1.5a.ini in the same location as your Everything64.exe
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Thanks for this response void.
I have just one copy of Everything-1.5a.exe and one copy of Everything-1.5a.ini and these two files are in the same folder C:\Program Files\Everything 1.5a
Please confirm this setting is loading correctly:
  • In Everything, from the Help menu, click Troubleshooting Information.
  • Does this troubleshooting information include the following:
    Config: alpha_instance=0
    Instance: custom instance name
Untitled3.png (30.25 KiB) Viewed 17976 times
The blue lines mark things that make sense to me.
The red line is a Red Flag.
I have re-checked with a second run of "c: \ever *.ini " and still there is only one "Everything-1.5a.ini" and it sits in "C:\Program Files\Everything 1.5a".
I have opened "C:\Users\Chris072\AppData\Roaming\Everything" and inspected the contents:-
Untitled4.png (57.51 KiB) Viewed 17976 times
Interesting. The datestamps are for this morning, so Everything appears to be using this folder for ongoing data.

I guess that Everything is using "C:\Users\Chris072\AppData\Roaming\Everything\" folder, but the only INI file is elsewhere! (attached)
I further guess that the red-lined entry in the Tools data should be changed, but I will leave everything as it is until instructed to make a change.

Thanks, Chris
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Re: Error 8: Everything IPC window not found.

Post by therube »

Is T: a local disk & not in any sort of sandbox?
Does ES work if run from a C: prompt?


I'm thinking it's cause once you've said to not use the the "1.5a" nomenclature, you'll now want the .ini to be "Everything.ini" rather then "Everything-1.5a.ini". Quit Everything. Copy the latter to the former & then see if things work.

And your Everything-1.5a.ini is in /program files/ rather then in %appdata%/roaming/.
(Where does it belong?)
Please make sure you edit the Everything-1.5a.ini in the same location as your Everything64.exe
So I guess that's OK?

If you're using an -instance, then .ini should be named the same as your -instance name.
So if -instance TEST, Everything-TEST.ini.

(I'm not really sure of the above, as I don't install, nor have I set 'alpha_instance=0'.)
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Re: Error 8: Everything IPC window not found.

Post by ChrisGreaves »

therube wrote: Fri Feb 10, 2023 6:30 pm Is T: a local disk & not in any sort of sandbox?
Does ES work if run from a C: prompt?
T: is a TrueCrypt volume, unlocked during the boot process.
I don't have any sandboxes of any kind.
ES does not work from the Command prompt at C:
I'm thinking it's cause once you've said to not use the the "1.5a" nomenclature, you'll now want the .ini to be "Everything.ini" rather then "Everything-1.5a.ini". Quit Everything. Copy the latter to the former & then see if things work. ...
Well, that was a lot of fun.
I found TEN “everything *.ini” files some at 1K and others at 93K.
I ran a filter

Code: Select all

Everything *.ini sha256
And all ten came up on the screen, so all ten are copies of each other in some way?
I decided to delete a few, but – gaaaaaaaaargh! – I’m not an Administrator any more (there follows half an hour in another rabbit hole as Admin who can’t see all ten INI files, as Chris072 who can’t … well, anyway)
The 1K INI file has 42 paragraphs
The 93K INI file has 3,093 (yes!) paragraphs when pasted into MSWord.
I am going to delete (RevoUninstaller) every bit of Everything that I can find, certainly every Everything*.INI file, and re-install and then try a simple ES.EXE and report back here.

Back later ...
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Re: Error 8: Everything IPC window not found.

Post by ChrisGreaves »

ChrisGreaves wrote: Fri Feb 10, 2023 7:40 pmBack later ...

Used slow-old Windows File Explorer first on C: then on T: to locate and delete all copies of “every*.ini”.
Used RevoUninstaller to uninstall Everything (Select-All Delete mode)

Rebooted. As standard user Chris072.

Ran Everything- to “Finish” and immediately:-

Code: Select all

everyth *.ini
TWO copies of an INI file are set up.
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I zipped both folders and have moved the zip files ”” and “” to my B: drive from which they will be backed up this evening. I now have a secured copy of the two original INI files

I plan on trying to set myself up as "Everything", not as "Everything-1.5a", because I want the tutorial to look as regular as possible. "Everything-1.5a" will probably throw a lot of beginners off keel.
Next steps?

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Re: Error 8: Everything IPC window not found.

Post by tuska »

ChrisGreaves wrote: Fri Feb 10, 2023 8:07 pm I plan on trying to set myself up as "Everything", not as "Everything-1.5a", ...
Next steps?

This post might help you to understand what steps are required to do this.
This description refers to a standard user (recommended).

If Everything is used as administrator
- Points 1. and 2. are not applicable!
- Point 9:  -> Run as administrator

Everything.ini (Standard user or administrator)

Code: Select all

If the file: NO_ALPHA_INSTANCE is located in the programme directory, i.e. in the same directory as the file "Everything64.exe",
then the parameters: alpha_instance=0 or alpha_instance=1 are not taken into account!

Important note:
These settings in Everything Options: General should never(!) be used at the same time:
✅ Everything Service ...... Service: 1 (connected / installed and running)    < Menu "Help" -> "Troubleshooting Information"
✅ Run as administrator ... IsAdmin: 1                                                          <
Instead, either the "Everything Service" (recommended) or "Run as administrator" (not recommended) should be used.

Please also note the information on the file manager "Total Commander" -
however, this file manager is not mandatory to carry out the necessary steps.
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Re: Error 8: Everything IPC window not found.

Post by void »

Thank you for the troubleshooting information.

The troubleshooting information shows the alpha_instance setting is not being read and the instance is still 1.5a
The troubleshooting information shows Everything is being launched from: C:\Program Files\Everything 1.5a

You will need to edit your Everything-1.5a.ini in C:\Program Files\Everything 1.5a

Consider deleting the Everything under T:\Appl\Everything or the one under C:\Program Files\Everything 1.5a to avoid the confusion.
You should only have one Everything64.exe

Calling Everything64.exe when Everything is already running will pass your command line options to the existing process.
So you may call T:\Appl\Everything\Everything64.exe which will pass your command line to C:\Program Files\Everything 1.5a\Everything64.exe

Is Everything still running as an administrator for you?

[Administrator] will be shown in the Everything window caption.

ES as a standard user can still talk to Everything when it is running as admin.
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Re: Error 8: Everything IPC window not found.

Post by ChrisGreaves »

This description refers to a standard user (recommended)
ES_01.png (20.13 KiB) Viewed 17497 times
1. I am that, and Everything (1.5a) (x64)
The steps in Suggestion: pop-up search bar were written almost a year ago.
2. UNCHECK(!) -> [x] "Everything Service"
ES_02.png (80.15 KiB) Viewed 17497 times
I do not get a message “the User Account Control (UAC) - query with "Yes" and then press "OK".”; I get a message “Failed to run as administrator”. This may be because I have fallen back to Win7.
ES_03.png (42.77 KiB) Viewed 17497 times
2. That said, I now have Only Everything64/exe running as a process in Task Manager.
3. “Exit Everything 1.5x completely:” this I have done via the Task Manager. There is now sign of Everything in Applications or Services.
ES_04.png (61.97 KiB) Viewed 17497 times
Since this step says “Exit Everything 1.5x completely:” I STOPPED Everything in the Services tab of Task Manager.
4. “ … change into the Everything installation directory.”
ES_05.png (46.6 KiB) Viewed 17497 times
I had previously used Everything with a filter “Everything*.exe” and found only one instance in my “C:\Program Files” folder.
5. RENAME files in the installation directory …
ES_06.png (71.7 KiB) Viewed 17497 times
Now I remember why I changed user Chris072 back to Administrator a week or so ago. As a standard user I cannot delete a text file (INI) in my “C:\Program Files” folder.
This step 5 reads like “Remove the [-1.5a] from every relevant file name.
ES_07.png (73.1 KiB) Viewed 17497 times
So I fired up Everything again and found seven files that need changing. (“DavidCarpenter” is the honorary Administrator here!)
Log Off as Chris072(Standard) and On as DavidCarpenter(Administrator)
ES_08.png (60.72 KiB) Viewed 17497 times
I elected to change the folder name (left pane) as well as the INI file name. This may mean my shortcut link does not work, but I can live with that.
ES_09.png (68.87 KiB) Viewed 17497 times
In my AppData I took the liberty of removing my ZipArch,.bat log file, removed “-1.5a” from all evident filenames.
Log Off as DavidCarpenter(Administrator) and On as Chris072(Standard), and here I am back again.
I click on the shortcut link, yes, delete it, create a new one, click on it and Everything starts re-assembling indexes and whatever else it does. I leave it alone and head into Task Manager.
ES_10.png (38.95 KiB) Viewed 17497 times
I see one instance of Everything in Applications, processes, and Services. So that seems OK.
6, 7, 8.: Steps 6, 7, and 8 seem irrelevant because I am not running Total Commander, just little old me and Everything.
9. At the end of my Step5 I had relaunched Everything from my new shortcut but was not asked to confirm the default option "Install the "Everything" service" with click on "OK". A glance at the Everything window title bar confirms that I am NOT running as Administrator.
10, 11, 12.: These steps seem irrelevant to my case.
Back to your post of a week ago:-
“These settings in Everything Options: General should never(!) be used at the same time:”
ES_11.png (48.73 KiB) Viewed 17497 times
I am unsure now where I stand. The Everything Service checkbox is indeterminate which, to me, means we don’t know whether it is checked ON. But both “Run as administrator” settings are checked OFF, so on paper, we’re alright, I think.
Now on to Void’s response. But first - a cup of tea …
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Re: Error 8: Everything IPC window not found.

Post by raccoon »

Last edited by raccoon on Tue Feb 14, 2023 8:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Error 8: Everything IPC window not found.

Post by ChrisGreaves »

Thank you for the troubleshooting information.
You’re welcome to it all. I don’t understand what I sent, what I saw, and don’t tell tuska, but I am out of my depth in much of what he writes!
The troubleshooting information shows the alpha_instance setting is not being read and the instance is still 1.5a
The troubleshooting information shows Everything is being launched from: C:\Program Files\Everything 1.5a
I hope that Tuska has helped me resolve that.
I believe that I am running “-1.5a” BUT we have managed to hide that fact from Everyone and Everything by renaming files and folders.
You will need to edit your Everything-1.5a.ini in C:\Program Files\Everything 1.5a
ES_14.png (45.5 KiB) Viewed 17494 times
I have two potential INI files; I have seen this situation before - one of them is listed as 1K, the other as a staggering 93K.
I cannot delete the Administrator INI, I suspect because Chris072 does not have administrator privileges, and Win7 doesn't have an appropriate error message so falls back to ErrorMessage0000 or similar.
Consider deleting the Everything under T:\Appl\Everything or the one under C:\Program Files\Everything 1.5a to avoid the confusion. You should only have one Everything64.exe
ES_12.png (40.13 KiB) Viewed 17494 times
At this stage I had only one instance of Everything.exe and four installers. The four installers are all backed up on my nightly and my weekly drives, so I have removed them from the system (C: & T:)
ES_13.png (22.94 KiB) Viewed 17494 times
So this should make us all happy.
Calling Everything64.exe when Everything is already running will pass your command line options to the existing process. So you may call T:\Appl\Everything\Everything64.exe which will pass your command line to C:\Program Files\Everything 1.5a\Everything64.exe
I think this means that Everything is smart enough to respond to a call for its execution by responding “I am already running; send me what you want to”.
Is Everything still running as an administrator for you? [Administrator] will be shown in the Everything window caption.
Yes, as the two preceding screen shots show.
ES as a standard user can still talk to Everything when it is running as admin.
That is good to know (or in my case, perhaps “dangerous to know”, but I now have just one instance of Everything.exe and have shed as many strings “-1,5a” as I could find on my partitions C: and T:.
So, now back to trying to run the command line interface.
Thanks Void.
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Re: Error 8: Everything IPC window not found.

Post by raccoon »

I am unsure now where I stand. The Everything Service checkbox is indeterminate which, to me, means we don’t know whether it is checked ON.
When the Everything Service checkbox is indeterminate, it means that the option is enabled, but the service is not. (Not installed, disabled -- unable to be communicated with.)

I wonder if a fresh install of Windows would make life a lot easier. Windows needs a fresh install every 7 years, because we sometimes fiddle with settings too much causing everything (all the things) to fall apart.
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Re: Error 8: Everything IPC window not found.

Post by ChrisGreaves »

raccoon wrote: Tue Feb 14, 2023 8:13 pm I wonder if a fresh install of Windows would make life a lot easier.
Oh please let's not go there. My two Win10 machines are physically broken, which is why I am limping along on this DELL Win7 laptop with an external keyboard (so that I have a <Break> key) and an external Mouse (because the stupid plate-mouse is too erratic)
I have built my parameters for a new Win11 :shudder: machine but everywhere in St John's will be closed today and tomorrow ...
I am NOT looking forward to Win11; probably find that it won't install my Office2003, which will mean I have to have a b%$#@!y ribbon, which I have managed avoid Lo! these past fifteen years ... :lol:
Cheers, Chris
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Re: Error 8: Everything IPC window not found.

Post by raccoon »

Off-topic, but nobody uses Microsoft Office anymore. Download LibreOffice
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Re: Error 8: Everything IPC window not found.

Post by therube »

Is Everything still running as an administrator for you? [Administrator] will be shown in the Everything window caption.
Yes, as the two preceding screen shots show.
Look at the shot here, viewtopic.php?p=53466#p53466, "[Administrator]".
And look at your most recent shots.

(And yes, I'd think you will :shudder: & :cringe:.)

"Program Files" is a "protected" directory, so yes, you probably need "Admin" in order to mess around in there.
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Re: Error 8: Everything IPC window not found.

Post by ChrisGreaves »

therube wrote: Tue Feb 14, 2023 8:39 pm Look at the shot here, viewtopic.php?p=53466#p53466, "[Administrator]".
And look at your most recent shots.
I'm sorry therube, but I am not clear on what you are trying to say here. The screenshots of Feb 9th do indeed show "Administrator", whereas the two recent shots of today (Feb 14th) show that I am not running as Administrator.
Isn't that what is recommended?
Cheers, Chris
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Re: Error 8: Everything IPC window not found.

Post by therube »

Yes, that is what you want (to not be running as Admin).

So, now that that's figured, does ES now work, or are you still getting Error 8 ?
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Re: Error 8: Everything IPC window not found.

Post by tuska »

Let's try again.
2023-02-15_Everything (1.5a).png
2023-02-15_Everything (1.5a).png (144.39 KiB) Viewed 17432 times
Here is the procedure in short form (detailed information here):
  1. Start Everything (1.5a) (x64)
    Only if necessary: Right-click on the file "Everything64.exe" to open the context menu.
    Then click on the menu item "Run as administrator".
  2. UNCHECK(!) -> [x] "Everything Service"
    The Everything service with the name: Everything (1.5a) has been removed!
  3. Exit Everything (1.5a) (x64) completely (see also: Systray)
  4. RENAME files in %APPDATA%\Everything
    The .ini and .csv files in %APPDATA%\Everything, i.e. C:\Users\Chris072\AppData\Roaming\Everything\ and
    the Everything-1.5a.db in C:\Users\Chris072\AppData\Local\Everything\.
    Remove -1.5a from all file names.
  5. Create file: NO_ALPHA_INSTANCE (without file extension!) in directory with write permissions, save, close text editor
  6. The file: NO_ALPHA_INSTANCE must then be moved to the installation directory, this is where the file "Everything64.exe" is located(!):
    T:\Appl\Everything *) -OR- C:\Program Files\Everything 1.5a.
    User Account Control (UAC) query must be confirmed with "Yes" if the file is moved to: C:\Program Files\Everything 1.5a.
    void wrote: Mon Feb 13, 2023 5:12 am Consider deleting the Everything under T:\Appl\Everything
    or the one under C:\Program Files\Everything 1.5a to avoid the confusion.
    You should only have one Everything64.exe
    If you choose this install location: T:\Appl\Everything *), then you could leave this option UNTICKED:
    "Store settings and data in %APPDATA%\Everything".
    EDIT: Furthermore, in this case, this field is to be left blank: Everything Options > Indexes > Database location.
    In this case all files (.exe, .ini, .db, .csv) could be in one place (T:\Appl\Everything) and Everything would be suitable for portable use too.

    *) Important note:
    If Everything is used portably, the installation should always take place on the system drive, e.g. drive C:.
    This may avoid a problem. Please note the information on the 1st and 7th picture (basis Everything 1.4).

    T:\Appl\Everything\es.exe                                                     (Everything Command-line Interface)          *)
    T:\Appl\Everything\es.ini                                                       (Everything Command-line Interface - ini) **)
    T:\Appl\cli.c                                                                         (Everything Command-line Interface)
    T:\Appl\Everything\cmd.exe.lnk                                             *), **)
    T:\Appl\Everything\Everything64.exe -update.lnk                  (Target: T:\Appl\Everything\Everything64.exe -update) <- SAVE database
    T:\Appl\Everything\Everything64.exe_as_ADMINISTRATOR.lnk (Target: T:\Appl\Everything\Everything64.exe; ✅ Run as administrator)
    T:\Appl\Everything\Index Journal.csv
    T:\Appl\Everything\NO_ALPHA_INSTANCE                             (Everything (1.5a) (x64) -> Everything (x64))
    T:\Appl\Everything\Omit Results.csv
    T:\Appl\Everything\Run History.csv
    T:\Appl\Everything\Search History.csv
    T:\Appl\Everything\Temporary Excludes.csv
    - Right click on Desktop - New - Shortcut - cmd.exe - Next - Finish
    - Move this shortcut (C:\Users\Chris072\Desktop\cmd.exe.lnk to T:\Appl\Everything\)
    - Double click on the shortcut: T:\Appl\Everything\cmd.exe.lnk -> window caption: cmd.exe, path: C:\Windows\System32>
    - cd T:\Appl\Everything\ <ENTER> -> T:\Appl\Everything>
    - T:\Appl\Everything>es.exe -help <ENTER>
    - T:\Appl\Everything>exit <ENTER>

    Total Commander user:
    - In Total Commander, change to the programme directory of Everything, e.g. C:\Everything\Everything64.exe.
    - Press the button with command: %SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe, parameter: /k cd /d %P
    - C:\Everything>...


    ---- OR ----

  7. Start Everything (x64) and confirm the default option "Install the "Everything" service" with click on "OK".
  8. Confirm the User Account Control (UAC) - query with "Yes".
    (The "Everything Service" is now displayed on the "Services" tab in the Task Manager -> Name: Everything).
    The Everything service with the name: Everything (1.5a) no longer exists.
  9. ✅ "Store settings and data in %APPDATA%\Everything" -> if C:\Program Files\Everything 1.5a is selected as the install location
  10. ✅ "Start Everything on system startup", and so on...
2023-02-15_Everything (x64)_window caption.png
2023-02-15_Everything (x64)_window caption.png (3.22 KiB) Viewed 17421 times
Your settings could look like this:
2023-02-15_Everything (x64).png
2023-02-15_Everything (x64).png (20.48 KiB) Viewed 17421 times
Last edited by tuska on Thu Feb 16, 2023 9:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Error 8: Everything IPC window not found.

Post by ChrisGreaves »

therube wrote: Tue Feb 14, 2023 9:12 pm Yes, that is what you want (to not be running as Admin).
... until this morning when, after a Win7-Restart I could not run Everything as Chris072(standard). ("What the heck is going on here?") I mean - I use Everything to perform a simple task such as looking for a specific MP3 file.
ES_15.png (61.24 KiB) Viewed 17396 times
In this screenshot I have not got as far as entering my filter string. I thought about it for a few seconds then chose the recommended "Install the everything service", which brought me to this screen:-
ES_16.png (61.56 KiB) Viewed 17396 times
I thought about this for maybe 15 seconds, and realised that (a) I am not that uptight about rogue programs and (b) I think I was dissuaded from "admin" status to get the command-line processor working.

I have a need for command-line processing because I am a strong believer in scripted solutions ("If it's boring and repetitive, write a batch file") be they in FORTRAN, COBOL, MSDOS, Windows scripting, VBA or what have you.
In particular I will need to know command-line to write about it in our User Tutorial, which I am writing so that I can learn all about Everything, a selfish motive.

I hope to have a new Win11 laptop in a week or two, and I have plenty of other material to work on for the User Tutorial, so I made an Executive Decision:-
Something somewhere is screwed up on my system; so it makes sense NOT to waste everyone's time, your(plural)s and mine, on a problem that may well disappear by default in a week or two. I'm not sure if I even have a Win7 CD anymore.
So, now that that's figured, does ES now work, or are you still getting Error 8 ?
I think it will save us ALL time if I temporarily abandon exploring command-line for a short while and come back to it with a cleaner system. A new laptop means, of course, a fresh installation with a new user (Chris076) AND a fresh installation of Everything 1.5.

I don't think all this time has been wasted; I have learned a lot. But I think that to continue at this time would involve a lot of communal time that might be better spent while I learn Functions, Modifiers, and the rest of the Searching Wiki, not to mention the thirty(?) other sections apart from "Searching".
Thanks to all!
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Re: Error 8: Everything IPC window not found.

Post by tuska »


Do you start Everything with a "real" administrator account or with a user account?
2023-02-15_Administrator or User.png
2023-02-15_Administrator or User.png (372.09 KiB) Viewed 17392 times
It is necessary/recommended to start Everything with a user account!
[This also applies if you start Everything with administrative rights [for a special reason]].

By the way, how do you start Everything?
- By double-clicking on the file "Everything64.exe" in the directory "T:\Appl\Everything\"?
- By clicking on a shortcut (.lnk), e.g. Everything64.exe.lnk?:
   Check your .lnk file(!):
   - Right click, e.g. on the file Everything64.exe.lnk with target: T:\Appl\Everything\Everything64.exe
   - Click on the button "Advanced..." -> [  ] Run as administrator ... must be UNCHECKED!

Start Everything by double-clicking on the file "Everything64.exe" in the directory "T:\Appl\Everything\".
Then the problem should not exist.
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Re: Error 8: Everything IPC window not found.

Post by ChrisGreaves »

tuska wrote: Wed Feb 15, 2023 3:09 pmDo you start Everything with a "real" administrator account or with a user account?
Until a couple of weeks ago I had but two users "Chris072"(Administrator) and "Guest".
Then I set up a new user called "Administrator(Administrator), switched Chris072 to (Standard) and left Guest alone.
For the next two weeks until the new laptop arrives I shall revert to running as Chris072(Administrator)
By the way, how do you start Everything?
...- By clicking on a shortcut (.lnk), e.g. Everything64.exe.lnk?:
I let Everything 1.5a(x64) install from scratch three? days ago. That gave me a shortcut link on the desktop, and I ran from that for two days, then applied "Pin to TaskBar".

I really think that I had deleted evry instance of Everything*.exe, even the Installers, shortcuts, taskbar icons, as thoroughly as I could.
In one way the new laptop should start off guaranteed to have no prior instance of Everything on it.

I am contemplating flying Void over here for two days to install Everything, but don't tell him yet; I want it to be a surprise. :D :D

My first IBM-compatible PC was an XT chassis, two 5.25" drives, 640K, and, of course, no hard drive. $1,700 Canadian dollars in 1984.
The first hard drive as 20MB and set me back $400 Canadian dollars in 1987.
Today's deal at $1,000 seems good by comparison!

We have come a long way from "IBM compatible". Now the critical thing is that "It runs Everything" :lol: :lol:

Cheers, Chris
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Re: Error 8: Everything IPC window not found.

Post by tuska »

ChrisGreaves wrote: Wed Feb 15, 2023 6:45 pm
tuska wrote: Wed Feb 15, 2023 3:09 pmDo you start Everything with a "real" administrator account or with a user account?
Until a couple of weeks ago I had but two users "Chris072"(Administrator) and "Guest".
Then I set up a new user called "Administrator(Administrator), switched Chris072 to (Standard) and left Guest alone.
For the next two weeks until the new laptop arrives I shall revert to running as Chris072(Administrator)
Switch to: Chris072 to (Standard), otherwise you may not get rid of your problem.
(But maybe the standard user is not a standard user either).
ChrisGreaves wrote: Wed Feb 15, 2023 6:45 pm I let Everything 1.5a(x64) install from scratch three? days ago.
That gave me a shortcut link on the desktop, and I ran from that for two days, then applied "Pin to TaskBar".
Yes, but now we still don't know whether "Run as administrator" is ticked in the shortcut link. :?

However, if you manage to successfully set up Everything as a portable version before the new PC arrives
(this was mentioned as an option above), then you would only need to copy one folder to the new PC and start Everything.
A confirmation to install the Everything Service would then be required and DONE!

It's up to you.
Good luck! :)
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Re: Error 8: Everything IPC window not found.

Post by ChrisGreaves »

tuska wrote: Wed Feb 15, 2023 7:11 pm It's up to you.
Hi tuska, and thanks for this extra data.
I ***think*** Void suggested I get rid of all versions except the recently-installed of about four days ago,
However the new HP Laptop with Win11 and virgin territory for Everything is paid for and will be on its way any day now ...
So I am going to hang on to your suggestions and try a new all-default install on the new laptop.
After I have installed it and made a backup, installed the other software that i use.
And right now I am studying the half-dozen HP pdf manuals to get a head start on what I need to do once the beast arrive!
Cheers, Chris
P.S. Then I will need a few days to complain about having to migrate to Win11 :twisted: :twisted: :lol: C.
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Re: Error 8: Everything IPC window not found.

Post by void »

Just making some notes here:

When setting alpha_instance to 0, Everything will still keep using the 1.5a instance name on filenames.
For example:
Search History-1.5a.ini

The alpha_instance only affects the IPC window name and mutex name.

Do not disable alpha_instance if you are still using Everything 1.4.
If you disable alpha_instance and are still using Everything 1.4, running Everything 1.5 will pass the command line to the existing Everything 1.4 process.

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Re: Error 8: Everything IPC window not found.

Post by therube »

(I've not read [some of] above...)

Just noting...

the Everything *GUI* needs to be running (not the Service, necessarily)
for ES to work.
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