ini setting to allow the 'parent' column accept drag drop item just the like the 'path' column

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ini setting to allow the 'parent' column accept drag drop item just the like the 'path' column

Post by Ralf_Reddings »

The path column has two ini settings to allow it to be used to drag and drop items into it, the ini settings are:
  • allow_path_ldrop_modifier_key=1
  • allow_path_ldrop_modifier_key=1
I think it would be very useful if the 'parent' column also had these two settings.

This would mean, in instances where the parent column is shown instead of the path column, the user would still be able to drag and drop.

In many "layouts", I only have three columns showing:
  • Name (not full path just the name with extension)
  • Drive letter
  • Parent
and currently in these layouts I dont have a way of dragging and dropping into parent folders.
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Re: ini setting to allow the 'parent' column accept drag drop item just the like the 'path' column

Post by void »

I will consider support for dropping files in the Parent column.

Thank you for the suggestion.
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