1370: Cut / Paste bug

Discussion related to "Everything" 1.5 Alpha.
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Joined: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:48 pm

1370: Cut / Paste bug

Post by therube »

Everything 1370 CUT/PASTE bug (& i never looked at 1368/1369)

OH i wonder (now) if it isn't just some actions, some times, are not updating what
is DISPLAYED? cause the last time i ran into this CUT/PASTE that did not, at that
point i reverted to 1367, & loaded up the same tabs, & CUT the file that didn't, &
when i went to "PASTE", it said "The source & destination files are the same", so... ?

/something/ is going on with CUT/PASTE - between tabs
[unknown if between windows also affected, but i'll assume so?]
- don't assume !
(looks like, at least with a quick look, between windows is OK)
(looks like, at least with a quick look, between a /different/ tab in the same window,
different from where i actually wanted to do the PASTE, also worked, & a Ctrl+Z, &
try again with the "non-performing" tab, still not working)

- this happens, sometimes

the first time i saw an issue with 1370, i /thought/ there was actual data loss (this
was during a CUT/PASTE time), as in files "disappeared", or at least seemed to?, but,
i was not seeing coinciding references in Index Journal, so then i thought, maybe a
/naming/ issue (like losing the file extension), so i searched for the files size,
& size found the file, & then it was like "magically" what i had not seen moments
before, were "back", & then i was like, well maybe some really weird (& long) delay,
& until things got sorted...

so with that, i (purposely) did some more CUT/PASTE - paying attention (rather then
just, assuming), & that looked to work as expected (& with that, simply thought, well,
it was me, just not seeing, rather then anything to do with data loss or delays, or
anything else...)

whether NOT cutting & pasting
[note: that the CUT file does /display/ as "cut")
disappearing ???
no real clue at this point

but something... odd is going on with 1370

perhaps ? it might have something to do with having a "soft, trailing" open on a file
(vs. an absolute "lock") [like with media players, mpv, "soft", vs. mplayer, "lock"]
but if so, issue certainly was not there in 1367

OH, this is on T:, as it happens, BTW (& so the only reason i'm noting it)
these 2 (other) tabs (in the window, & intended for PASTE into said different directories) are different:
> T:/NEW/ & T:/NEW/delme
one, has a trailing /, the other not, so... maybe the trailing / or not ? is playing in?

want more oddity...
take the associated .lnk file (assuming one was created)
check its' properties
on first check, Target: is in its' source
CUT/PASTE (& a successfull CUT/PASTE at that)
check its' properties
- still shows the old source location
CUT/PASTE (again, & this time also a successfull PASTE to the [what had been] "stuck" tab, & /this/ time, it worked)

[something in between writing here, where the orig tab did correctly show the newly pasted location,
the file itself did still /display/ in CUT mode - even though it did PASTE, but as i'm writing this,
it did set itself (correctly) to display as un-cut
- not sure what caused 1 or the other behavior - back to .lnk...]

check its' properties
- still shows the old source location
so the file has been moved, twice, yet the .lnk still shows the orig source location

click the .lnk - rather then the file

the file opens (didn't quite expect that)
& the .lnk itself is touched (date & time, set current, where before it was still "old")

check the .lnk properties
- NOW it shows the new file location (rather then the source location before any moves)

so it seems ? changes that would affect a .lnk file are stored in memory, until...

This was a "failed" CUT/PASTE:

Code: Select all

disconnected from service
Everything: (x86)
OS: Windows NT 6.1 7601 (x64)
Admin: 0
Service: 1 (connected / installed and running)
Command line: -instance 15
Binary: C:\DEV\Locate\15.1370\Everything.exe
Profile: C:\DEV\Locate\15.1370\Everything-15.ini
Database: C:\DEV\Locate\15.1370\Everything-15.db
Instance: 15
Config: match_path=1
Config: ignore_punctuation=1
Config: shell_execute_short_parameters=1
Config: show_mouseover=0
Config: dupe_group_colors=1
Config: highlight_max_or_paths=256
Config: zoom=134
Config: auto_include_fixed_volumes=0
Config: auto_remove_offline_ntfs_volumes=0
Config: find_first_file_path_not_found_retry_timeout=30000
Config: icon_blend_hidden=1
Config: thumbnail_medium_text_lines=3
Config: thumbnail_large_text_lines=2
Config: filelist_context_menu=0
Config: open_many_files_warning_threshold=9
Config: set_foreground_window_attach_thread_input=0
Config: snap_toggle_on_shift=1
Config: rename_overwrite=1
Config: allow_literal_operators=1
Config: convert_forward_slash_to_backslash=1
Config: operator_precedence=1
Config: size_format=1
Config: size_number_format=4
Config: ellipsis=0
Config: jump_to_timeout=99999
Config: folder_rescan_timeout=60000
Config: find_and_select_clear_selection=0
Config: find_and_select_select_folders=0
Config: find_and_select_select_files=0
Config: context_menu_parent_folder=1
Config: custom_open_command01=$exec("C:\WLIB\PLAYERS\mpv.net\mpvnet.exe" %*)
Config: custom_open_command02=$exec("C:\BIN\XXhash64.BAT" %*)
Config: filter=UNIQ
Config: preview_icon=1
Config: findbar_highlight_all=0
Config: search_for_text_when_you_start_typing=1
Config: search_history_always_suggest=1
Config: ntfs_volumes=...
Config: properties=[{"name":"Length","include_only_files":"*.3gp;*.asf;*.asx;*.a
SetActiveWindow failed 00000000
WM_ACTIVATE 00000000 00000000, lastfocus 08e22778, current focus 08e22778, curre
nt foreground 3e66363e
WM_ACTIVATE 00000001 00000000, lastfocus 08e22778, current focus 00000000, curre
nt foreground 05de166c
FOCUS restore 08e22778
FOCUS restore 08e22778
update search 0
search 'Ballroom Blitz' filter 'ext:3g2;3gp;3gp2;3gpp;amr;amv;asf;asx;avi;bdmv;b
ebm;wm;wmp;wmv;h264;srt;part' sort 0 ascending 1
FOLDER TERM START 0030de68 M 0030dd58 N 0030de68
158e8ed8 20e81104 M 158e8f7d N 0030de68 OP 41 Ballroom
158e8f7d 20e81104 M 0030dd58 N 0030de68 OP 41 Blitz
FILE TERM START 158e901f M 0030dd58 N 0030de68
158e901f 20c01108 M 158e8ed8 N 0030de68 OP 197 3g2;3gp;3gp2;3gpp;amr;amv;asf;asx
158e8ed8 20e81104 M 158e8f7d N 0030de68 OP 41 Ballroom
158e8f7d 20e81104 M 0030dd58 N 0030de68 OP 41 Blitz
found 0 folders with 0 threads in 0.000002 seconds
found 1 files with 4 threads in 0.092858 seconds
set sort 0 ascending 1 is valid 1 case 0
already sorted
finished sort, time taken 0.000743 seconds
total size 28638953, calculated in 0.000001 seconds
update selection 0.000001 seconds
DB_WAIT: _db_ready_proc waiting for _db_search_thread_proc...
DB_WAIT: _db_ready_proc waited 0.000372 seconds
new results 1
add nav Ballroom Blitz
CUT isviewing 0
iscut 1
ghost selection
viewing 0
on clipboard changed 0 210308 210312 1
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 05de166c 05de166c 0 0 1
is cut done
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 05de166c 2de92bca 0 1 1
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 05de166c 2de92bca 1 1 1
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 05de166c 2de92bca 2 1 1
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 05de166c 2de92bca 3 1 1
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 05de166c 2de92bca 4 1 1
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 05de166c 2de92bca 5 1 1
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 05de166c 2de92bca 6 1 1
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 05de166c 2de92bca 7 1 1
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 05de166c 2de92bca 8 1 1
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 05de166c 2de92bca 9 1 1
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 05de166c 2de92bca 10 1 1
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 05de166c 2de92bca 11 1 1
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 05de166c 2de92bca 12 1 1
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 05de166c 2de92bca 13 1 1
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 05de166c 2de92bca 14 1 1
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 05de166c 2de92bca 15 1 1
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 05de166c 2de92bca 16 1 1
on clipboard changed 1 210312 210312 0
on clipboard changed 1 210312 210312 0
on clipboard changed 1 210312 210312 0
on clipboard changed 1 210312 210312 0
on clipboard changed 1 210312 210312 0
on clipboard changed 1 210312 210312 0
on clipboard changed 1 210312 210312 0
on clipboard changed 1 210312 210312 0
on clipboard changed 1 210312 210312 0
on clipboard changed 1 210312 210312 0
on clipboard changed 1 210312 210312 0
on clipboard changed 1 210312 210312 0
on clipboard changed 1 210312 210312 0
on clipboard changed 1 210312 210312 0
on clipboard changed 1 210312 210312 0
on clipboard changed 1 210312 210312 0
select tab 1
SET COLUMN 4/6 Extension
SET COLUMN 5/6 Date Modified
SET COLUMN 6/6 Length
new results 105
select tab 2
SET COLUMN 4/6 Extension
SET COLUMN 5/6 Date Modified
SET COLUMN 6/6 Length
new results 222
select tab 0
SET COLUMN 4/6 Extension
SET COLUMN 5/6 Date Modified
SET COLUMN 6/6 Length
new results 1
update m 0 0cabe828
update index C:
USN DATA_EXTEND history.txt
read usn journal C: in 0.001177 seconds
updated C: in 0.000141 seconds
resume ntfs monitor 0
DB_WAIT: _db_journal_notification_event_proc waiting for _db_monitor_ntfs_proces
processed 1 usn records in 0.000186 seconds
DB_WAIT: _db_journal_notification_event_proc waited 0.001906 seconds
WM_ACTIVATE 00000000 00000000, lastfocus 48220e8c, current focus 48220e8c, curre
nt foreground 3e66363e
Posts: 17301
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: 1370: Cut / Paste bug

Post by void »

WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 05de166c 2de92bca 0 1 1
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 05de166c 2de92bca 1 1 1
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 05de166c 2de92bca 2 1 1
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 05de166c 2de92bca 3 1 1
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 05de166c 2de92bca 4 1 1
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 05de166c 2de92bca 5 1 1
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 05de166c 2de92bca 6 1 1
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 05de166c 2de92bca 7 1 1
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 05de166c 2de92bca 8 1 1
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 05de166c 2de92bca 9 1 1
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 05de166c 2de92bca 10 1 1
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 05de166c 2de92bca 11 1 1
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 05de166c 2de92bca 12 1 1
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 05de166c 2de92bca 13 1 1
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 05de166c 2de92bca 14 1 1
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 05de166c 2de92bca 15 1 1
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 05de166c 2de92bca 16 1 1
The clipboard chain is broken.

If you have Microsoft Spy++ (or other window monitoring tool), check what program is using the 2de92bca window handle.

Nothing has changed in Everything from 1367 to 1370 with the handling of the clipboard.

I'll look into adding support for AddClipboardFormatListener. (a newer API that is not prone to broken clipboard chains)
Posts: 5141
Joined: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:48 pm

Re: 1370: Cut / Paste bug

Post by therube »

CLCL is clipboard caching utility.

Though I've used that used for years (& the program is unchanged since, 2022/12/1).

And that said...
Posts: 5141
Joined: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:48 pm

Re: 1370: Cut / Paste bug

Post by therube »

so, let me tell you a story...

i woke up at 4:AM, dripping with sweat
& the world said, inclusive, INCLUSIVE

& i shouted

No! i am me, & no one else is me! distinct: DISTINCT:!

so, let me tell you a story...

the other day my cat got bit (by something)
& he was OK, just bleeding a bit
two days ago he was not right, shying away from me
& yesterday he did not eat & was hiding from me

so i took him to the hospital - but they were closed,
didn't open till 6:PM, so i went to work

when i came home, he still wasn't right, so i took him
to the hospital. some twohundredfiftytwo dollars
later we were on our way home. & he ate, & went outside,
& came in, & ate, & went outside, & came in, & ate, &
went outside. he was doing good. around 1:AM i got him
in & said, going to bed.

at some point, he woke me up, jumping on me. i opened
my eyes, & dark, must be early. so i scratched him some,
got up, brushed my teeth, & let him out, then looked at
the clock, 4:AM, & with that, i'm like, i'm going back
to bed, thinking he'd ask to come back in relatively
soon as it was raining.

at some point later, i wake up again & figure i ought to
go check on him, still dark, still raining. it was 6:AM.
open the front door - not there. go to the back door &
there he was - wet. highly unusual for him to be wet
- even if it was raining outside.

& then i thought about what i had posted just yesterday,
i am really not liking where Everything has become more "accurate"
because as i'm apt to use DISTINCT: (or similar) regularly, & might
or might not have it enabled in particular windows/tabs, when i
make a change & jump to a different window/tab & don't see what
i'm expecting, it then (& too often now) has become an oh, i've
got to hit F5 to Refresh for the change to run up <dag'nam'it, heh>
& then, it dawned on me, yet it was not yet dawn, DISTINCT:!

6:AM, still dark, & i'm like, i'm going back to bed

some time later, got up & made pancakes

then i fired up my computer, & Everything 1370,
& sure enough DISTINCT: had become even more, DISTINCT! (then <= 1367)

Posts: 5141
Joined: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:48 pm

Re: 1370: Cut / Paste bug

Post by therube »

1370 on a DISTINCT: or maybe it might be between multiple DISTINCT:
windows/tabs, a CUT/PASTE may not appear to CUT/PASTE, may still
show as CUT - even after having "PASTED" it elsewhere - which may
not show as up, because the DISTINCT: in that other window/tab
does not allow it to show - until... something, like a Refresh,
or, something (along those lines)

so, no T:'s, no trailing /'s, but instead... DISTINCT:

(now, let me get out of 1370 & revert back to 1367 :-))
(this all did dawn on me at that 4:AM period of time.
good thing someone let the cat out of the bag - or is it
the cat in the hat?)
Posts: 5141
Joined: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:48 pm

Re: 1370: Cut / Paste bug

Post by therube »

so... (& you thought we were done ;-))

in 1367, 2 DISTINCT: tabs, a cut from 1 & paste into 2,
correctly shows the newly pasted location - in 1,
but 2 does not update - until refreshed

i hadn't realized that before, because never had the
need to access anything from 2, & 1 did correctly show
that the file had indeed, moved (without any Refresh
being required)

in 1367, 2 DISTINCT: windows, a rename in window 1 is
reflected in window 2

(without looking, i'll, heh, assume, 1370 would act accordingly
as that would have stood out had it not, so i'll say it does?)
Posts: 5141
Joined: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:48 pm

Re: 1370: Cut / Paste bug

Post by therube »

Here is CUT/PASTE, similar situation - that worked as expected, in 1367:

Code: Select all

disconnected from service
Everything: (x86)
OS: Windows NT 6.1 7601 (x64)
Admin: 0
Service: 1 (connected / installed and running)
Command line: -instance 15
Binary: C:\DEV\Locate\15.1367\Everything.exe
Profile: C:\DEV\Locate\15.1367\Everything-15.ini
Database: C:\DEV\Locate\15.1367\Everything-15.db
Instance: 15
Config: match_path=1
Config: ignore_punctuation=1
Config: shell_execute_short_parameters=1
Config: show_mouseover=0
Config: dupe_group_colors=1
Config: highlight_max_or_paths=256
Config: zoom=134
Config: auto_include_fixed_volumes=0
Config: auto_remove_offline_ntfs_volumes=0
Config: find_first_file_path_not_found_retry_timeout=30000
Config: icon_blend_hidden=1
Config: thumbnail_medium_text_lines=3
Config: thumbnail_large_text_lines=2
Config: filelist_context_menu=0
Config: open_many_files_warning_threshold=9
Config: set_foreground_window_attach_thread_input=0
Config: snap_toggle_on_shift=1
Config: rename_overwrite=1
Config: allow_literal_operators=1
Config: convert_forward_slash_to_backslash=1
Config: operator_precedence=1
Config: size_format=1
Config: size_number_format=4
Config: ellipsis=0
Config: jump_to_timeout=99999
Config: folder_rescan_timeout=60000
Config: find_and_select_clear_selection=0
Config: find_and_select_select_folders=0
Config: find_and_select_select_files=0
Config: context_menu_parent_folder=1
Config: custom_open_command01=$exec("C:\WLIB\PLAYERS\mpv.net\mpvnet.exe" %*)
Config: custom_open_command02=$exec("C:\BIN\XXhash64.BAT" %*)
Config: filter=UNIQ
Config: preview_icon=1
Config: findbar_highlight_all=0
Config: search_for_text_when_you_start_typing=1
Config: search_history_always_suggest=1
Config: ntfs_volumes=...
Config: properties=[{"name":"Length","include_only_files":"*.3gp;*.asf;*.asx;*.a
SetActiveWindow failed 00000000
WM_ACTIVATE 00000000 00000000, lastfocus 0b6620c8, current focus 0b6620c8, curre
nt foreground 0ea71790
WM_ACTIVATE 00000001 00000000, lastfocus 0b6620c8, current focus 00000000, curre
nt foreground 22963884
FOCUS restore 0b6620c8
FOCUS restore 0b6620c8
CUT isviewing 0
iscut 1
ghost selection
viewing 0
on clipboard changed 0 212476 212480 1
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 22963884 2de92bca 0 0 1
is cut done
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 10722fe0 22963884 0 1 0
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 22963884 2de92bca 0 1 1
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 10722fe0 22963884 1 1 0
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 22963884 2de92bca 1 1 1
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 10722fe0 22963884 2 1 0
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 22963884 2de92bca 2 1 1
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 10722fe0 22963884 3 1 0
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 22963884 2de92bca 3 1 1
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 10722fe0 22963884 4 1 0
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 22963884 2de92bca 4 1 1
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 10722fe0 22963884 5 1 0
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 22963884 2de92bca 5 1 1
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 10722fe0 22963884 6 1 0
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 22963884 2de92bca 6 1 1
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 10722fe0 22963884 7 1 0
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 22963884 2de92bca 7 1 1
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 10722fe0 22963884 8 1 0
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 22963884 2de92bca 8 1 1
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 10722fe0 22963884 9 1 0
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 22963884 2de92bca 9 1 1
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 10722fe0 22963884 10 1 0
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 22963884 2de92bca 10 1 1
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 10722fe0 22963884 11 1 0
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 22963884 2de92bca 11 1 1
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 10722fe0 22963884 12 1 0
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 22963884 2de92bca 12 1 1
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 10722fe0 22963884 13 1 0
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 22963884 2de92bca 13 1 1
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 10722fe0 22963884 14 1 0
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 22963884 2de92bca 14 1 1
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 10722fe0 22963884 15 1 0
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 22963884 2de92bca 15 1 1
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 10722fe0 22963884 16 1 0
on clipboard changed 1 212480 212480 0
on clipboard changed 0 212476 212480 1
on clipboard changed 1 212480 212480 0
on clipboard changed 0 212480 212480 0
on clipboard changed 1 212480 212480 0
on clipboard changed 0 212480 212480 0
on clipboard changed 1 212480 212480 0
on clipboard changed 0 212480 212480 0
on clipboard changed 1 212480 212480 0
on clipboard changed 0 212480 212480 0
on clipboard changed 1 212480 212480 0
on clipboard changed 0 212480 212480 0
on clipboard changed 1 212480 212480 0
on clipboard changed 0 212480 212480 0
on clipboard changed 1 212480 212480 0
on clipboard changed 0 212480 212480 0
on clipboard changed 1 212480 212480 0
on clipboard changed 0 212480 212480 0
on clipboard changed 1 212480 212480 0
on clipboard changed 0 212480 212480 0
on clipboard changed 1 212480 212480 0
on clipboard changed 0 212480 212480 0
on clipboard changed 1 212480 212480 0
on clipboard changed 0 212480 212480 0
on clipboard changed 1 212480 212480 0
on clipboard changed 0 212480 212480 0
on clipboard changed 1 212480 212480 0
on clipboard changed 0 212480 212480 0
on clipboard changed 1 212480 212480 0
on clipboard changed 0 212480 212480 0
on clipboard changed 1 212480 212480 0
on clipboard changed 0 212480 212480 0
select tab 1
backup column 0 315 420
backup column 1 148 197
backup column 2 84 112
backup column 3 36 48
backup column 5 112 149
backup column 18 54 72
SET COLUMN 4/6 Extension
SET COLUMN 5/6 Date Modified
SET COLUMN 6/6 Length
new results 140
select tab 2
backup column 0 315 420
backup column 1 148 197
backup column 2 84 112
backup column 3 36 48
backup column 5 112 149
backup column 18 54 72
SET COLUMN 4/6 Extension
SET COLUMN 5/6 Date Modified
SET COLUMN 6/6 Length
new results 245
shellexecute invoke T:\NEW\delme
update m 6 0fd3c830
update index T:
ika Clark [256591] (480p)=720p.mp4
read usn journal T: in 0.003435 seconds
updated T: in 0.000184 seconds
resume ntfs monitor 6
POST _db_indexed_property_request_available_event_proc
_db_indexed_property_request_available_event_proc 0
processed 2 usn records in 0.001442 seconds
DB_WAIT: _db_indexed_property_request_available_event_proc waiting for _db_monit
DB_WAIT: _db_indexed_property_request_available_event_proc waited 0.000996 secon
indexed property request session created 1
_db_indexed_property_request_available_event_proc 0
update m 1 0bdfe828
update index E:
read usn journal E: in 0.003487 seconds
updated E: in 0.000181 seconds
resume ntfs monitor 1
processed 2 usn records in 0.000208 seconds
DB_WAIT: _db_journal_notification_event_proc waiting for _db_monitor_ntfs_proces
DB_WAIT: _db_journal_notification_event_proc waited 0.003792 seconds
select tab 0
backup column 0 315 420
backup column 1 148 197
backup column 2 84 112
backup column 3 36 48
backup column 5 112 149
backup column 18 54 72
SET COLUMN 4/6 Extension
SET COLUMN 5/6 Date Modified
SET COLUMN 6/6 Length
new results 8
WM_ACTIVATE 00000000 00000000, lastfocus 0b6620c8, current focus 0b6620c8, curre
nt foreground 0ea71790
Posts: 17301
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: 1370: Cut / Paste bug

Post by void »

Everything adds support for AddClipboardFormatListener.

AddClipboardFormatListener is the newer API to register for clipboard changes. (Vista+)

To disable AddClipboardFormatListener:
  • In Everything 1.5, from the Tools menu, click Options.
  • Click the Advanced tab on the left.
  • To the right of Show settings containing, search for:
  • Select: add_clipboard_format_listener
  • Set the value to: false
  • Click OK.
AddClipboardFormatListener is enabled by default.

Everything will only monitor the clipboard when:

You cut an item from Everything.
You include clipboard: in your search.

I have also added more debug information to try to work out the paste issue.

When pasting you should see the following in the debug console:
PASTE <paste_file_operation> <item-count>
PASTE invoke

From the logs, it looks like pasting to more than 1 location is causing the issue.
Are you pasting to more than 1 location?
Could you please check if the cut item or paste location has a very long filename (> 259 characters)

There's two paths when pasting:

If paste_file_operation is disabled, use "paste invoke"
If there's 1 item selected and it's not a very long filename, use "paste invoke"
Otherwise, use "paste file operation".

"paste invoke" just executes the selection with the "paste" verb.
"paste file operation" performs a shell move/copy file operation.

The "paste file operation" path appears to fail for you.
I'm unsure why at this stage. (nothings changed in the code for ages)
Posts: 5141
Joined: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:48 pm

Re: 1370: Cut / Paste bug

Post by therube »

it looks like pasting to more than 1 location is causing the issue
Just 1.
Select, cut (Ctrl+X) a file in 1 tab, Ctrl+TAB to the next tab, Shift+INS.
check if the cut item or paste location has a very long filename
SFN in both cases.

As far as the distinct: part is concerned (which appears to be integral to the issue):

Actually, I use a Filter, UNIQ (& named long ago, so while it says "UNIQ", it's actually distinct:):
video: sort:name: distinct:

I'll also note, that the Filter has Sort: Size, Descending, set (which I can't say I recalled, & it looks like that is overridden by the Search: itself), & a Hotkey: Alt+U.

Are you seeing difference between the 1370 & 1367 logs (where I am seeing different operational behaviors)?
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Joined: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:48 pm

Re: 1370: Cut / Paste bug

Post by therube »

I wonder...

I wonder if it is not in fact a focus issue?

You CUT from 1 tab, Ctrl+TAB to the next, and...
and at that point focus is - in lala land - sometimes.

And at those times, when you attempt to Paste, because you're not where you think you are, the Paste fails?

focus is not in the searchbar
nor is focus is not in the results field

Paste fails.

I think it is (a focus issue).
But why is it SO much more pronounced in 1370 then <= 1367?
And more pronounced with distinct: then not?

Short clip. (#'s are seconds into the clip)
0. note how focus appears to NOT be
4. focus is on the file i want to cut
file shows as cut
7. i click the target tab & focus is still, not
(Ctrl+TAB would have given same results)
18. i've hit Shift+INS any number of times, yet nothing is pasted
(as focus is, not)
28. focus is NOW set
the file was pasted (shown in Salamander)
& then i do a Refresh (needed cause of distinct:) & it then shows in Everything
44. cut from TAB1
48. at this point, I've Ctrl+TAB to TAB2
& focus is, not
again pasting (Shift+INS), but nothing happening, paste fails
likewise, menu shows Paste is grayed out
101. focus is provided
104. file is still cut in TAB1
(580.72 KiB) Downloaded 562 times
(Note to self.
Don't ever try AV1 again as it is ridiculously slow [on my computer] ;-).)
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Joined: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:48 pm

Re: 1370: Cut / Paste bug

Post by therube »

Issue can be exacerbated simply by doing a CUT.
Cause once a file is CUT (& pasted elsewhere, focus at that point (in the source of the CUT window) is not.
So when you go back to that window (or Tab), & without specifically setting focus (into the Results list), an attempt to Paste, will fail.
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Re: 1370: Cut / Paste bug

Post by therube »

You can Paste into searchbar.
You can Paste into results list.

So long as the correct area had been set, at some point, an attempted Paste should still work, even if a Cut action "unset" focus. The area, be it searchbar or results list, should still be known, even if focus itself isn't (any longer [anywhere, I guess it is]).

(I'm still really puzzled why this became so apparent in 1370, when I'd been doing the same, umpteen times before in 1367.
That's weird.

Worst part is, now that I know what's going on, I won't be able to duplicate it - because I'll now knowingly set focus when I Ctrl+TAB to a Tab on seeing it unset.)
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Joined: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:48 pm

Re: 1370: Cut / Paste bug

Post by therube »

i'm Pasting into a directory (path)
i'm Pasting into a Results List window containing /files/ (not directories)
of the Path i'm wanting to paste to
(happens to be all the files in the Results List are of the same [exact, & only 1 at that] directory
- T:/new/ parents:2 & T/NEW/delme (which has no subdirectories)


there does need to be a least 1 file in said (dirs) in order to be able to paste
focus must actually /be/ in the Result List
(rather then someplace else, or undefined, not set)


  • file1
  • file21
TAB1, focus on file1
TAB2, focus on cutme
CUT cutme, Ctrl+TAB to TAB1, Shift+INS

> cutme is now in TAB1
(expected & correct)

TAB1, now focus on cutme
^--- pertinent


> this undoes the prior Cut&Paste
> at this point, cutme is back in TAB2, as expected

TAB2, focus on cutme
CUT cutme

> cutme shows as CUT

Ctrl+TAB to TAB1

> NOTE: at this point focus is UNDEFINED
(or something along those lines, at the least, it is NOT in the Results List)

at this point, if you were to PASTE
the expected PASTE fails
if you revisit TAB2, you will see the file is still there, still showing as CUT

CLICK into the TAB1 Results Window
(i.e., you are specifically providing focus to TAB1 Results Window)


> at this point, the file, cutme, which has remained CUT all this time,
> is now successfully PASTED into TAB1
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Re: 1370: Cut / Paste bug

Post by therube »

now that I know what's going on, I won't be able to duplicate it - because I'll now knowingly set focus when I Ctrl+TAB to a Tab on seeing it unset
Don't believe it. Cause you will forget.

And then you'll be like huh?

And then you will check this & check that & check the other, & then you will do an Everything Refresh on the Index, & then you will do a CHKDSK on the drive, & you still say, huh?

And then you remember. And say, ah!

And then a couple days later, it happens to happen again, & you say, huh ?, but then a moment later, you say, ah!
Everything - Focus is in La-La-Land.png
Everything - Focus is in La-La-Land.png (22.95 KiB) Viewed 10112 times

at this point, even though Everything has focus,
focus is NOT

i CUT file from 24255
i TAB to delme.from.K
& Shift+INS (Paste)
YET, nothing happens
- because, because of circumstances, perhaps extraneous (to Everything) circumstances,
focus is no longer in the filelist
so an attempted cut/paste, fails
the CUT file still shows as CUT
the PASTED file, does NOT
& it's like... why?
(now, given that it [also, happened to] happen a couple of days ago, & since i figured
it out then, having forgotten what had happened - before a couple days ago, i know...
but, the next time it happens, again, some later point down the road, i'm going to be
like, huh ? & /hopefully/, but with no guarantees, it will click, & i will say, ah...)

& actually, clicking in whitespace in the filelist will not do it
i have to actually click on one of the entries in the filelist
(either the file or the directory)

& i'll note, similarly, if you have pointed to a /directory/
(like, /delme.from.K/) & if that directory is empty, so nothing
exists in the filelist, you cannot TAB to that tab (delme.from.K)
& PASTE into it
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Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: 1370: Cut / Paste bug

Post by void »

Pasting requires a selection in Everything.

If a folder is selected:
The cut file is pasted inside the selected folder.

If a file is selected:
The cut file is pasted into the parent folder of the selected file.

Are you expecting Everything to paste into K:\xfeRRRRRRRR\DONE\DONEX\delme.from.K when there's no selection and K:\xfeRRRRRRRR\DONE\DONEX\delme.from.K is shown in the search box?
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Re: 1370: Cut / Paste bug

Post by therube »

I guess I'm expecting a selection that had been set to remain set, even if the item that had been selected is no longer there.

So if the results list is selected, it should remain selected even when some action, external or otherwise, causes it to be in a "not selected" state.
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Joined: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:48 pm

Re: 1370: Cut / Paste bug

Post by therube »

CUT a file
(do not change focus in the results list)
Alt+Back & PASTE into some other directory

- at that point, focus is NOT (not in the results list)


- at this point, focus is restored to the results list
Posts: 5141
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Re: 1370: Cut / Paste bug

Post by therube »

CUT a file
(do not change focus in the results list)
Alt+Back & PASTE into some other directory

say, oops. OOPS.
you made a mistake so CUT that just pasted file & then


now Paste the file back to where it was initially

That operation fails, because when you Alt+FWD - at that point, focus is NOT (not in the results list).

It is not in the results list because when you CUT then Pasted the file, initially, focus was indeterminate, if you will, & then when you CUT, again, & Alt+FWD to Paste it back to where it started from, there was no selection, as you say, so Paste fails.

If selection, focus, remained in the results list, regardless of whether said file existed any longer or not in the list, then the Paste would have worked, without having specifically provided selection, again, into the results list.

In the screenshot above, you see the outline of a "selection", but in fact there is no selection.
The results list is not selected.
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Joined: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:48 pm

Re: 1370: Cut / Paste bug

Post by therube »

similarly, but NOT nearly as much of an issue

> searchstring !OADS distinct:

now, if you rename a file (in the results list), adding OADS to it
- so you now have "searchstringOADS"
because searchstingOADS no longer meets the search query
its result is (rightly) removed

- at that point, focus is NOT

where it had been in the results list, it is now in la-la-land
so you have to do something like hit <spacebar> or mouse-click
to provide focus

again, this is not a big deal, in this particular scenario
(but it is the same concept as above)

cases above, it is more of an out of the blue, what you had been
doing, time & time again, all of a sudden is not working anymore
& you're like... what happened?
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Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: 1370: Cut / Paste bug

Post by void »

The focus should remain in the same position.

Could you please send your Help -> Troubleshooting information.

Maybe there's an advanced setting causing the focus to shift..
Posts: 5141
Joined: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:48 pm

Re: 1370: Cut / Paste bug

Post by therube »


Code: Select all

Everything: (x86)
OS:	Windows NT 6.1 7601 (x64)
Admin:	0
Service:	6 (connected / partially installed)
Command line:	-instance OFFICEMULE
Binary:	C:\DEV\LOCATE\MULE - OFFICE\Everything.exe
Config:	match_path=1
Config:	ignore_punctuation=1
Config:	shell_execute_short_parameters=1
Config:	show_mouseover=0
Config:	dupe_group_colors=1
Config:	group_lines=1
Config:	group_colors=1
Config:	include_selected_folder_size_in_statusbar=0
Config:	auto_include_fixed_volumes=0
Config:	auto_remove_offline_ntfs_volumes=0
Config:	input_stream_buf_size=0
Config:	output_stream_buf_size=0
Config:	filelist_context_menu=0
Config:	open_many_files_warning_threshold=16
Config:	set_foreground_window_attach_thread_input=0
Config:	close_on_toggle=0
Config:	path_hit_text_only=0
Config:	rename_move=1
Config:	search_edit_move_caret_to_selection_end=0
Config:	bring_result_focus_into_view_on_sort=0
Config:	scale=1.150000
Config:	hscroll_div=3
Config:	paste_multiline_type=3
Config:	hdrop_file_format=1
Config:	show_window_on_monitor_from_cursor=1
Config:	utf8_bom=1
Config:	txt_folder_append_path_separator=0
Config:	csv_folder_append_path_separator=0
Config:	convert_forward_slash_to_backslash=1
Config:	size_format=1
Config:	size_number_format=4
Config:	show_detailed_listview_tooltips=0
Config:	rtl_listview_edit=1
Config:	jump_to_timeout=999999
Config:	db_update_thread_priority=-1
Config:	refs_file_id_extd_directory_info_buffer_size=0
Config:	folder_rescan_timeout=300000
Config:	content_buf_size=0
Config:	content_multithreaded_max_memory_percent=50
Config:	find_and_select_clear_selection=0
Config:	find_and_select_select_folders=0
Config:	find_and_select_select_files=0
Config:	context_menu_parent_folder=4
Config:	custom_open_command01=$exec("c:\bin\xxhash.bat" %*)
Config:	custom_open_command02=$exec("C:\WLIB\PLAYERS\MPV.NET\mpvnet.exe" %*)
Config:	custom_open_command03=$exec("C:\BIN\i_view32.exe" %* /thumbs)
Config:	custom_open_command04=$exec("C:\BIN\HEX.exe" %*)
Config:	filter_visible_count_max=0
Config:	filter=EVERYTHING
Config:	filter_everything_name=Everything
Config:	filelist_explore_folder_in_everything=1
Config:	treeview_labels=0
Config:	treeview_everything_expand_button=1
Config:	search_for_text_when_you_start_typing=1
Config:	inc_run_count_on_drag_drop=1
Config:	search_history_always_suggest=1
Config:	search_history_add_delay=3000
Config:	search_history_add_on_kill_focus=1
Config:	nav_max_selection=1024
Config:	ntfs_volumes=[{"path":"C:"...
Config:	folders=[{"path":"\\\\nas\\...
Config:	exclude_folders="T:\\Domains"
Debug console:

Code: Select all

disconnected from service
Everything: (x86)
OS: Windows NT 6.1 7601 (x64)
Admin: 0
Service: 6 (connected / partially installed)
Command line: -instance OFFICEMULE
Binary: C:\DEV\LOCATE\MULE - OFFICE\Everything.exe
Config: match_path=1
Config: ignore_punctuation=1
Config: shell_execute_short_parameters=1
Config: show_mouseover=0
Config: dupe_group_colors=1
Config: group_lines=1
Config: group_colors=1
Config: include_selected_folder_size_in_statusbar=0
Config: auto_include_fixed_volumes=0
Config: auto_remove_offline_ntfs_volumes=0
Config: input_stream_buf_size=0
Config: output_stream_buf_size=0
Config: filelist_context_menu=0
Config: open_many_files_warning_threshold=16
Config: set_foreground_window_attach_thread_input=0
Config: close_on_toggle=0
Config: path_hit_text_only=0
Config: rename_move=1
Config: search_edit_move_caret_to_selection_end=0
Config: bring_result_focus_into_view_on_sort=0
Config: scale=1.150000
Config: hscroll_div=3
Config: paste_multiline_type=3
Config: hdrop_file_format=1
Config: show_window_on_monitor_from_cursor=1
Config: utf8_bom=1
Config: txt_folder_append_path_separator=0
Config: csv_folder_append_path_separator=0
Config: convert_forward_slash_to_backslash=1
Config: size_format=1
Config: size_number_format=4
Config: show_detailed_listview_tooltips=0
Config: rtl_listview_edit=1
Config: jump_to_timeout=999999
Config: db_update_thread_priority=-1
Config: refs_file_id_extd_directory_info_buffer_size=0
Config: folder_rescan_timeout=300000
Config: content_buf_size=0
Config: content_multithreaded_max_memory_percent=50
Config: find_and_select_clear_selection=0
Config: find_and_select_select_folders=0
Config: find_and_select_select_files=0
Config: context_menu_parent_folder=4
Config: custom_open_command01=$exec("c:\bin\xxhash.bat" %*)
Config: custom_open_command02=$exec("C:\WLIB\PLAYERS\MPV.NET\mpvnet.exe" %*)
Config: custom_open_command03=$exec("C:\BIN\i_view32.exe" %* /thumbs)
Config: custom_open_command04=$exec("C:\BIN\HEX.exe" %*)
Config: filter_visible_count_max=0
Config: filter=EVERYTHING
Config: filter_everything_name=Everything
Config: filelist_explore_folder_in_everything=1
Config: treeview_labels=0
Config: treeview_everything_expand_button=1
Config: search_for_text_when_you_start_typing=1
Config: inc_run_count_on_drag_drop=1
Config: search_history_always_suggest=1
Config: search_history_add_delay=3000
Config: search_history_add_on_kill_focus=1
Config: nav_max_selection=1024
Config: ntfs_volumes=[{"path":"C:"...
Config: folders=[{"path":"\\\\nas\\...
Config: exclude_folders="T:\\Domains"
SetActiveWindow failed 00000000
WM_ACTIVATE 00000000 00000000
 lastfocus 01c4201e
 current focus 01c4201e
 current foreground 00cf02ea
 minimized 00000000
update m 1 03fa0b30
update index E:
USN CREATE c00ab7717503333e.customDestinations-ms~RFffd70707.TMP
USN CLOSE CREATE c00ab7717503333e.customDestinations-ms~RFffd70707.TMP
USN CLOSE DELETE c00ab7717503333e.customDestinations-ms~RFffd70707.TMP
USN RENAME_OLD_NAME c00ab7717503333e.customDestinations-ms
USN RENAME_NEW_NAME c00ab7717503333e.customDestinations-ms~RFffd70707.TMP
USN CLOSE RENAME_NEW_NAME c00ab7717503333e.customDestinations-ms~RFffd70707.TMP
USN CLOSE DELETE c00ab7717503333e.customDestinations-ms~RFffd70707.TMP
read usn journal E: in 0.019977 seconds
updated E: in 0.000453 seconds
resume ntfs monitor 1
processed 2 usn records in 0.000136 seconds
DB_WAIT: _db_journal_notification_event_proc waiting for _db_monitor_ntfs_proces
DB_WAIT: _db_journal_notification_event_proc waited 0.004080 seconds
processed 10 usn records in 0.000231 seconds
DB_WAIT: _db_monitor_finished_process_fd_update_events_event_proc waiting for _d
DB_WAIT: _db_monitor_finished_process_fd_update_events_event_proc waited 0.00184
0 seconds
WM_ACTIVATE 00000001 00000000
 lastfocus 01c4201e
 current focus 00000000
 current foreground 001c2b92
 minimized 00000000
FOCUS restore 01c4201e
FOCUS restore 01c4201e
cache for  \ 525new.txt not found
cache for  \ 525new.txt not found
update m 0 005eefe8
try rename: 1:
update index C:
read usn journal C: in 0.000940 seconds
updated C: in 0.000192 seconds
resume ntfs monitor 0
DB_WAIT: _db_journal_notification_event_proc waiting for _db_monitor_ntfs_proces
processed 2 usn records in 0.000105 seconds
DB_WAIT: _db_journal_notification_event_proc waited 0.000683 seconds
new results 10
SHCNE RENAMEITEM C:\out\chk51\new.txt C:\out\chk51\525new.txt
WM_ACTIVATE 00000000 00000000
 lastfocus 01c4201e
 current focus 01c4201e
 current foreground 00cf02ea
 minimized 00000000
1. originally, focus is on "new.txt"
2. i renamed "new.txt" to "525new.txt", at which time (the old) "new.txt" no longer fits the Search criteria, so it is (correctly) dropped form the Results List.

At this point in time, focus is not set.
Everything - Focus is in La-La-Land2.png
Everything - Focus is in La-La-Land2.png (68.68 KiB) Viewed 9281 times
Posts: 17301
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: 1370: Cut / Paste bug

Post by void »

Thank you for the screenshots therube,

The focus goes to the next item in the same position. (as expected)

Where would you like the focus to go?
Posts: 5141
Joined: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:48 pm

Re: 1370: Cut / Paste bug

Post by therube »

The focus goes to the next item in the same position. (as expected)
i suppose focus /is/ "there"
but it is not "set", per se
so while you can do some actions
other actions you cannot

you can; <sp> to provide (/set/) focus, FAYT to find something, setting focus
click-the mouse into the Results List to provide focus,
use arrow-keys to provide focus

you cannot Paste - without doing something like above, first
you cannot CUT - without doing some like above, first

so focus is "there", but not "set"
not "set" - even if <sp> would provide focus "to the next item" in the list

if focus were "set" you could do any of the above - including CUT & Paste

now, in some circumstances it is apparent what is going on,
but when you're doing the same sort of actions time & time again,
& then, all of a sudden, the next time you go to perform that
very same action - just as you had a moment before,
& that action suddenly fails, you're left wondering - why?

& if focus is "there", on that next item in the results list,
then why not "set" it there, too?
Posts: 17301
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: 1370: Cut / Paste bug

Post by void »

Everything adds a select_focus_on_lost_selection advanced setting.

To select the focus when the current selection is lost from an external change:
  • In Everything 1.5, from the Tools menu, click Options.
  • Click the Advanced tab on the left.
  • To the right of Show settings containing, search for:
  • Select: select_focus_on_lost_selection
  • Set the value to: true
  • Click OK.
When enabled, deleting an item will focus and select the next item.

1379a fixes an issue with focus_next_after_delete for folder indexes.
The focus will now correctly move to the next item after deleting a file/folder from a folder index.

1379a removes the select_new_focus_on_focus_lost advanced setting.
This setting did nothing.

Posts: 5141
Joined: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:48 pm

Re: 1370: Cut / Paste bug

Post by therube »


much improved :-)
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