Some items missed from Undo History - perhaps LFN

Discussion related to "Everything" 1.5 Alpha.
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Some items missed from Undo History - perhaps LFN

Post by therube »

Some items missed from Undo History - perhaps LFN?

Everything 1386 x86

Undo History changes missing

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renamed a file
	orig: .......................................................................				(SFN)
	 ren: .............................................................................
	 ren: ......................................................................................
	 ren: .........................................................................................
  	 ren: ................................................................................................	(SFN)
then, another rename shows, but the Name & New Name are the same, so there was no "rename"
  	 ren: ................................................................................................
(maybe ? that relates to the undo, not sure)
then, & this does not show - at all - & maybe ? this lack relates to the undo, not sure?
	 ren: T:\NEW\............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
at which point, i am now LFN, 253-name + 23-path
at that point, i MOVED the file up the tree
	from: T:\NEW\...............\
	  to: T:\NEW\
finally, Ctrl+Z
	< file not found > (or something along those lines)

yet, the file does exist, LFN in T:\NEW\, the last location/name that it was, prior to the Ctrl+Z attempt

Index Journal, shows MORE data
the last "SFN", 242-chars path+name (presumably coinciding with last Undo record)
then another rename "LFN" at that point
then the move to its current path
Undo, from Index Journal, successfully moved the file back to where it belonged

if i at that point, CUT the file
& (using Everything) right-click its' Path, & (again) move it up the tree

- the file is correctly moved
- that action is NOT recorded in Undo History
- that action IS recorded in Index Journal

orig file name: 123456789^
then i added it 6 or 7x more, so: 123456789^123456789^123456789^123456789^123456789^123456789^123456789^
then i doubled it, so: 123456789^123456789^123456789^123456789^123456789^123456789^123456789^123456789^123456789^123456789^123456789^123456789^123456789^123456789^
then more again, making it a LFN, then backspaced till it "fit"

1. Undo does not have full Undo History
- does NOT show the MOVE
Index Journal does show full History, including the MOVE
2. Undo History, Ctrl-Z to undo the MOVE, fails, because it was never recorded (there)
3. Undo History
- does NOT show Index Journal's MOVE (back to original Path) [maybe it shouldn't, cause it was done outside of Undo's perview?]
Index Journal did correctly Undo the action, moving the file back to its original Path
& Everything itself shows likewise
Everything - Undo History Missing Changes.png
Everything - Undo History Missing Changes.png (284.95 KiB) Viewed 572 times

keyword: Unable to rename. Error 2: File not found.
Posts: 16313
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Some items missed from Undo History - perhaps LFN

Post by void »

The next alpha update will have support for undoing copies/moves with very long filenames.

Thank you for bringing the issue to my attention.
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