Detecting XYplorer tag mismatch

Discussion related to "Everything" 1.5 Alpha.
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Posts: 24
Joined: Wed Mar 15, 2023 8:19 pm

Detecting XYplorer tag mismatch

Post by dougbenham »

Wanted to put this request in, even though it might not be feasible.

Basically I have a filter like this `is-xyplorer-tag: !tag:` which tells me that its a new file that I've tagged in XYplorer but it hasn't been CTRL+F5 refreshed in Everything yet. So I occasionally re-index all those files manually. However, this won't find files that I've removed tags from in XYplorer, but Everything has tags for.

Is there any way to detect differences more precisely? Like a filter like this would be so helpful `xyplorer-tag:!=$tag:`. And then further, it would be great if occasionally Everything would refresh the tag for files that have that mismatch.
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Re: Detecting XYplorer tag mismatch

Post by void »

I will consider an xyplorer-tag property.

Thank you for the suggestion.

For now, you could fire up another instance that has xyplorer tags disabled.

Export the tags from both instances and run them through a diff program.

Is Ctrl + F5 too slow to refresh all files?
-Looking up the xyplorer tag should be really fast. -Are you indexing other properties?
Posts: 24
Joined: Wed Mar 15, 2023 8:19 pm

Re: Detecting XYplorer tag mismatch

Post by dougbenham »

Yeah, re-indexing is quite slow because I've got the following being indexed:
  • Dimensions
  • Frame Rate
  • Length
  • Tags
  • Video Bit Rate
  • Video Format
Re-indexing all my files takes well over 24 hours. It would be wonderful if there was some option to just re-index tags but I understand that's a bit of a specific need of mine.
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