Custom Open & IrfanView /thumbs [Solved]

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Custom Open & IrfanView /thumbs [Solved]

Post by therube »

Custom Open & IrfanView /thumbs

(I'm thinking this is an IV issue ?)

Custom Open does not work with IrfanView /thumbs.

T:\PICS\0465.jpg" "T:\PICS\0466.jpg" : Can't read file header !

Unknown file format, empty/damaged file or file not found !
Note the LACK of an opening " on the initial T: ?

if you sent only a single file, 0465, then that /directory/ opens,
with focus on the file, 0465

normally what would happen is that (single) FILE would open in
thumbnail view

Everything appears to be doing things correctly:

Code: Select all

exec: first expr
exec: command $exec("C:\BIN\i_view32.exe" /thumbs %*)
exec: fullfilename "T:\PICS\0465.jpg" "T:\PICS\0466.jpg"
exec: depth 0
exec: exec "C:\BIN\i_view32.exe" /thumbs %*)
exec: depth 1
exec: got "C:\BIN\i_view32.exe" /thumbs "T:\PICS\0465.jpg" "T:\PICS\0466.jpg"
exec: shellexecute file:C:\BIN\i_view32.exe param:/thumbs "T:\PICS\0465.jpg" "T:
Parameters '/thumbs "T:\PICS\0465.jpg" "T:\PICS\0466.jpg"'
Directory 'C:\BIN'
File 'C:\BIN\i_view32.exe'
Mask 00000100
Enter ShellExecute
ShellExecute OK
sub buf killed

(I'm not quite sure in what cases this may be generated ?)
IV looks to open a file, C:\Local\RUBEN\Temp\iv_shellext.txt
which has the list of filenames within
c:\1.jpg $0A$ c:\2.jpg $0A$ c:\3.jpg $0A$ ...

Posts: 5188
Joined: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:48 pm

Re: Custom Open & IrfanView /thumbs

Post by therube »

Ah, so that's it.
IV wants the /thumbs command line option to come after the file names.

C:\out>iv /thumbs "2.png" "3.png"

C:\out>iv "2.png" "3.png" /thumbs
Posts: 5188
Joined: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:48 pm

Re: Custom Open & IrfanView /thumbs

Post by therube »

In that case if we,
$exec("C:\BIN\i_view32.exe" /thumbs %*)

$exec("C:\BIN\i_view32.exe" %* /thumbs)

we should be good?

Yes. (Basically.)

With 2 or more files, we're good.

With a single file, that file is opened (non-thumb mode) & also that directory is opened (separately), for some reason?

Code: Select all

exec: first expr
exec: command $exec("C:\BIN\i_view32.exe" %* /thumbs)
exec: fullfilename "C:\out\2.png" "C:\out\3.png"
exec: depth 0
exec: exec "C:\BIN\i_view32.exe" %* /thumbs)
exec: depth 1
exec: got "C:\BIN\i_view32.exe" "C:\out\2.png" "C:\out\3.png" /thumbs
exec: shellexecute file:C:\BIN\i_view32.exe param:"C:\out\2.png" "C:\out\3.png"
Parameters '"C:\out\2.png" "C:\out\3.png" /thumbs'
Directory 'C:\BIN'
File 'C:\BIN\i_view32.exe'
Mask 00000100
Enter ShellExecute
ShellExecute OK
sub buf killed
Everything Custom Command IrfanView.png
Everything Custom Command IrfanView.png (29.24 KiB) Viewed 4289 times

Just a cursory hint (& like they expect people to actually read ;-)):
Important notes:
- Input file name (if required) is always the first parameter (unless /file or /filelist is used)
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Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Custom Open & IrfanView /thumbs [Solved]

Post by void »

With a single file, that file is opened (non-thumb mode) & also that directory is opened (separately), for some reason?
What is the debug output when you open a single filename?
Is the parameter generated by Everything expected?
Posts: 5188
Joined: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:48 pm

Re: Custom Open & IrfanView /thumbs [Solved]

Post by therube »

C:\BIN\i_view32.exe "T:\PICS\000\vendor.gif" /thumbs
Ah, that looks to be an IV issue.
That, run from a C: prompt does the very same thing.
What is the debug output when you open a single filename?
Is the parameter generated by Everything expected?

Code: Select all

FOCUS restore
exec: first expr
exec: command $exec("C:\BIN\i_view32.exe" %* /thumbs)
exec: fullfilename "T:\PICS\000\vendor.gif"
exec: depth 0
exec: exec "C:\BIN\i_view32.exe" %* /thumbs)
exec: depth 1
exec: got "C:\BIN\i_view32.exe" "T:\PICS\000\vendor.gif" /thumbs
exec: shellexecute file:C:\BIN\i_view32.exe param:"T:\PICS\000\vendor.gif" /thum
Parameters '"T:\PICS\000\vendor.gif" /thumbs'
Directory 'C:\BIN'
File 'C:\BIN\i_view32.exe'
Mask 00000100
Enter ShellExecute
ShellExecute OK
sub buf killed
set 1 run history in 0.000321 seconds
exec: main thread regained focus
WM_ACTIVATE 00000000 00000000, lastfocus 01c716b8, current focus 01c716b8
update m 0 0cc5ee48
update index C:
Posts: 5188
Joined: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:48 pm

Re: Custom Open & IrfanView /thumbs [Solved]

Post by therube »

With a single file, that file is opened (non-thumb mode) & also that directory is opened (separately), for some reason?
heh, that is an IrfanView "feature" (says so in the Help ;-)).
not quite sure what the usecase is (?), but is expected IV behavior.

- only thing i can fathom is... but that doesn't make sense,
to me a least, since you're requesting a /thumbs, so...
still doesn't make sense?
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