No hit puzzle

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Joined: Mon Mar 18, 2013 2:41 pm

No hit puzzle

Post by terrypin »

I got no hit with a search, which I knew existed as I'd just created it. (But couldn't recall its exact location.) A blank search quickly delivered all five million with its usual awesome speed..

Looked at options and surprised to see that no database location was displayed, which I'd have thought essential? (Help showed me its default location and sure enough it was there.) Anyway, I then used Force Rebuild, which proved a good move, as happily the search now delivered the expected hit.

I'm puzzled why it failed in the first place, before the rebuild? Normally I would have wrongly assumed the file didn't exist.

Also, database location box still empty in Options; is that by design?
Last edited by terrypin on Sun Dec 04, 2022 9:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: No hit puzzle

Post by therube »

database location box still empty
That's fine.
I use the ZIP & it's always been that way (with the .db being stored in the same location as the .exe).
I got no hit with a search, which I knew existed as I'd just created it.
Aside from some actual issue, sometimes it just doesn't dawn on you why something you're expected didn't show up.
And then... it's like... well I checked Search (menu item) & nothing checked there, & I looked at this, & I looked at that...
And then... oh, duh, I had an exclude in the search term & because of that exclude...
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Re: No hit puzzle

Post by harryray2 »

This appears to happen every so often, but I've always found that simply restarting Everything sorts it out.
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Re: No hit puzzle

Post by void »

You should see the following tooltip when you hover over the database location field:

Specify the location of the database file.
Leave empty to store the database file in the default location for local application data.

When Tools -> Options -> General -> Store settings and data in %APPDATA%\Everything is enabled, the database location is:

When Tools -> Options -> General -> Store settings and data in %APPDATA%\Everything is disabled, the database location is the same location as your Everything.exe

If Everything is missing results, please try the following:

Please make sure no search options are checked under the Search menu (eg: uncheck match case, uncheck match whole words, uncheck regex)

Please make sure the Everything filter is active under the Search menu.

Please make sure these files are not excluded from Tools -> Options -> Exclude.
Please make sure you are not excluding hidden/system files/folders under Tools -> Options -> Exclude.

Please make sure Everything is installed correctly and running as a standard user:
  • In Everything, from the Tools menu, click Options.
  • Click the General tab on the left.
  • Check Store settings and data in %APPDATA%\Everything.
  • Uncheck Run as administrator.
  • Check Everything Service. (Please make sure this is tick-checked and not square-checked)
  • Click OK.
  • Exit Everything (right click the Everything tray icon and click Exit).
  • Restart Everything.

Please try forcing a rebuild:
  • In Everything, from the Tools menu, click Options.
  • Click the Indexes tab on the left.
  • Click Force Rebuild.
  • Click OK.

Please let me know if the issue persists.
Posts: 202
Joined: Mon Mar 18, 2013 2:41 pm

Re: No hit puzzle

Post by terrypin »

Thanks all. I'd missed that about the DB location box defaulting to show a blank.

And the 'missing hit' will just remain a minor mystery. I'll use Force Rebuild in future as my first step whenever I can't fathom a search result.
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