Search bar undo behavior

Discussion related to "Everything" 1.5 Alpha.
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Search bar undo behavior

Post by CrendKing »

Currently the 1.5a search bar has this behavior:

1. Start Everything with something already in the search. For example, .\Everything64.exe -path "C:\test".
2. Type anything in addition to the existing text. For example, make it like "C:\test content:foobaz".
3. Oops, I made a typo, press Ctrl-Z. Notice that not only the new text, but the whole search bar is erased.

Alternatively, even if I Ctrl-Z immediately when Everything opens at step 2, I can also erase the "C:\test".

Is there a way to change the behavior so that the initial text is not treated as being typed by user, thus immune to be undone?

The motivation is that I have a shortcut for my file manager that when I press it inside a directory, it pre-fill Everything with the directory path, so I can limit my search only in that directory. I may want to do content search instead of filename, but never change the path part.

So far, the only way to workaround this is every time when Everything opens, I manually hit HOME key, type something, erase them with Ctrl-Backspace, then hit END key. This makes a new text segment for the edit control, thus Ctrl-Z no longer removes path.
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Re: Search bar undo behavior

Post by void »

Thank you for the bug report CrendKing,

The next alpha update will add an undo point when the search is first set.

I'll make another post here once this is ready for testing.
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Re: Search bar undo behavior

Post by CrendKing »

Thank you so much!
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Re: Search bar undo behavior

Post by void »

Everything will now create an undo point when the search is first set.
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Re: Search bar undo behavior

Post by CrendKing »

Excellent! Verified working. Thanks!
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Re: Search bar undo behavior

Post by serrato »

Hey, sorry to necro this but I thought it's a very similar topic and another topic might be redundant.

I request that the actual levels of undo in the search bar be increased. At the moment, it's just one level, essentially.

If I type hello1
then replace it with hello2
then replace it with hello3

Ctrl+Z will only remember hello2 and hello3 and switch between them. An option to increase this 'memory' to user preference will be really useful! :) It particularly gets cumbersome when a simple spelling change for example, takes up the whole quota and forgets the earlier keywords used, prompting users to re-type it, which could be avoided by just going up a few undo levels.

I've searched the options but couldn't really find anything. If it already exists lemme know.

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Re: Search bar undo behavior

Post by void »

It's a limitation with the stock windows edit control.

I have on my TODO list to add my own edit control.

Thank you for the suggestion.
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Re: Search bar undo behavior

Post by serrato »

Ah I see, thank you. Had no idea about that, guess I was spoiled by custom input forms that appeared native and thus never realised!
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