Network Shares (mapped drives) missing

Discussion related to "Everything" 1.5 Alpha.
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Network Shares (mapped drives) missing

Post by Michi »


Running ET version (x64), I noticed that not all of my network shares are added to the "Network Drives" setting, pls see:

Some are added, many others not as shown in the image above, taken from Windows Explorer.

Of course I could manually add them but guess this is not the preferred option, right? Anyway, as far as I remember in a previous version of ET I could manually add my mapped drives and decide myself what to scan, with v1.5 this has obviously been changed.

Will you bring this option back, to avoid such issues I'm facing at the moment?

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Re: Network Shares (mapped drives) missing

Post by void »

Please make sure Everything is not running as an administrator.
You might see different mapped network drives when running as an administrator.

Please make sure Everything is installed correctly and running as a standard user:
  • In Everything, from the Tools menu, click Options.
  • Click the General tab on the left.
  • Check Store settings and data in %APPDATA%\Everything.
  • Uncheck Run as administrator. (Was this square-checked?)
  • Check Everything Service. (Please make sure this is tick-checked and not square-checked)
  • Click OK.
  • Exit Everything (right click the Everything tray icon and click Exit).
  • Restart Everything.

The option to manually add mapped network drives as a folder index is still available.

To add your manually add your mapped network drives to your Everything index:
  • In Everything, from the Tools menu, click Options.
  • Click the Folders tab.
  • Click Add....
  • Select your mapped network drives and click OK.
  • Click OK.
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Re: Network Shares (mapped drives) missing

Post by Michi »

Thanks for your fast reply!

And I can confirm that all options are set as expected and no admin account is involved.
Nevertheless only two of a bunch of mapped network shares are listed in the options

So, right now I've added manually missing shares as you suggested ;-)
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Re: Network Shares (mapped drives) missing

Post by Michi »

OTH, maybe a menu item has been left where it's not useful anymore:

When using the context menu in Network Drives, I can select Add which leads to a selection popup with various GUID, that are not applicable for network drives:

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Re: Network Shares (mapped drives) missing

Post by void »

Could you please send some debug output:
  • In Everything 1.5, from the Tools menu, under the Debug submenu, click Start Debug Logging.
  • From the Tools menu, click Options.
  • Click the Network drives tab on the left.
  • Press F5.
  • Close the options window.
  • From the Tools menu, under the Debug submenu, click Stop Debug Logging.
    ---this will open your Everything Debug Log.txt file in notepad---
  • Could you please send this file to

I can select Add which leads to a selection popup with various GUID
The GUID is the network UNC path, for example: \\server\share
I will change the text GUID to UNC path for the next alpha update.
Thank you for your suggestion.
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Re: Network Shares (mapped drives) missing

Post by Michi »

Forgot to mention in my e-mail: the drives that are missing in the networks settings are:

Code: Select all

2022-07-31 09:32:54.568: QueryDosDevice H: \Device\Mup\DfsClient\;H:00000000000f724c\\home
2022-07-31 09:32:54.568: QueryDosDevice M: \Device\Mup\DfsClient\;M:00000000000f724c\\music
2022-07-31 09:32:54.568: QueryDosDevice O: \Device\Mup\DfsClient\;O:00000000000f724c\\portable
2022-07-31 09:32:54.568: QueryDosDevice P: \Device\Mup\DfsClient\;P:00000000000f724c\\photo
2022-07-31 09:32:54.568: QueryDosDevice V: \Device\Mup\DfsClient\;V:00000000000f724c\\video
2022-07-31 09:32:54.568: QueryDosDevice W: \Device\Mup\DfsClient\;W:00000000000f724c\\wohnung
Obviously, drives S and Z point to a different NAS with IP-address Maybe that's the difference why ET does not detect them?
However both (Synology) NAS run the very same Samba version and same most current operation system.
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Re: Network Shares (mapped drives) missing

Post by void »

Thank you for the debug logs.

These are MUP devices.

I will add a fix in the next alpha update to include these under Tools -> Options -> Network drives.

For now, please add these network drives manually:
  • In Everything, from the Tools menu, click Options.
  • Click the Folders tab.
  • Click Add....
  • Select your network drive and click OK.
  • Click OK.
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Re: Network Shares (mapped drives) missing

Post by Michi »

MUP - Exactly what ;-)

And what's the difference between Z, S and H and the other MUP device?

The only difference I could locate is that for those missing drives, I've enabled:
- opportunistic locking
- SMB leases
- SMB permanent handles

All three settings are not enabled for those mapped Z and S drive letters.
Can't image that these option will affect the drive's availability in ET, can you?
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Re: Network Shares (mapped drives) missing

Post by void »

S: and Z: are LanmanRedirector devices.

Everything currently only supports LanmanRedirector for Tools -> Options -> Network Drives.

It's actually a bug in Everything.
MUP devices should also be supported, I will have a fix soon.

There's no indexing/monitoring difference between LanmanRedirector/MUP.
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Re: Network Shares (mapped drives) missing

Post by void »

Everything adds support for MUP devices.
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Re: Network Shares (mapped drives) missing

Post by Michi »

Thanks for this release!

I can confirm that those MUP devices are now listed in settings "Network Drives"!
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